First let me say as an avid Half-Life fan, you guys are doing an amazing job! Kudos, and thanks!
In LAMBDA CORE in the final teleporter room, if you die while the teleporter is spooling up, the lighting does not reset when the save game loads.
And you will see this often, because the room seems to be very difficult. Not sure if this is because currently that is the final room or what but it is a real b*tch. And there isn’t much ammo for conventional guns around before going in there.
At one point I loaded a save from the middle of that sequence, right before the teleporter is ready to enter, and all of the dead enemies were floating in the air in their ‘idle’ animation. They did not clip or respond to interaction.
A few random other things from other areas:
- How in the name of all that is holy is a game still taking over 5 seconds to load a save game inner map (without changing bsps) I am sure this is completely due to Source Engine, but it is probably my biggest complaint. I run a SATA3 SSD drive, and scratch my head wondering what is taking so long lol.
- I love the new hound eyes, but their charge up sound effect feels a little weak. I do enjoy it being more subtle than the original which was downright obnoxious but maybe more of a middle ground can be found.
- The alien grunts are supposed to be complete badasses, and they seem to be fairly docile and gullible. I remember them being relentless in the original, maybe it is a glitch in the AI code. I feel like they should advance aggressively and fire liberally.
- The Icthyosaur (or terrifying fish thing) animations are awkward, and its ability to deal damage on bites seems hit or miss. Sometimes it will be right up on me and not cause damage and other times it seems to kill me from a distance away.
- The Hivehand fire sound seems kind of sterile too. Not terrible, but not very unique to the weapon like the original effect.
- I only used them once but snarks seem very useless compared to the original.
Again, thanks for a great re-boot of one of my all-time favorite shooters. I purchased it on steam to make sure you have the funding to complete xen - I am looking forward to that day with much anticipation.
Keep killing it!