Issues with your adverts - ADWARE!

I see you have a new Advert bar at the top of your page, however one of the adverts is only 2 buttons saying download or play now.

Now seeing this for the first time i thought it was a joke you guys put up, so it takes you to a video link which then says you dont have “xvid codec drives, so you need to download them” dont fall for this.

it downloads Adware to your computer, and doesnt install anything but adware

Just thought i would give you guys a heads up

  • Targie

Don’t click ads


best wisdom is obvious wisdom :bulb:

Ads are really ruining the internet experience for me. Whether it’s here, or youtube. I do tire from ads that are so obviously like, " Please buy our product, it looks cool right, RIGHT?!".

Thank you for reporting this. It seems a advertiser took advantage of the fact. Please grab a screen grab next time you see this unit and we’ll get it banned asap. Having a adblocker on wont help us rectify the issue.

Update: I found the advertisements and removed them from the system.

Adblock Plus is a must

<3 Hubi

That stops these good developers from receiving any ad money though :frowning:

They only get it if you click, and you don’t.

They should also get a small percentage for the amount of unique IP views, at least thats how it is with many advertisers

Correct. It’s based on impression and clicks :slight_smile:

Exactly. Adblock plus, don’t surf the web without it.

i don’t use an adblocker because none of the pages i surf have ads that bother me.

i hate to say this but AHHAHAHAHHA!!! LOL points and laughs

on a more serious note, wtf u doing download shit an ad tells you to? Better yet, if a video says in the video “you dont have the codec, download it here” then clearly its going to be a virus. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that a video playing a video thats saying you dont have the codec to play the video that is currently playing just fine, must be a fake because the video is playing something.

ah that was fun :smiley: Anyways, yeah. Be grateful u didnt download a nasty virus.

You dont have to have an adblocker running, just check the link. If its not coming from the website your currently visiting then its proberly an ad. :freeman:

hey hey … be nice. :frowning: It was a simple ad that was disguised as a download button posted at the top of a website that millions (yes! I said it! MILLIONS~!) of users are waiting with bated breath to download and play.

In my humble opinion, it was an easy mistake.

The fact that it was in the ad space should have been anyone’s first clue.

If you use adblock please remember to white list BM so they get monies =]

For what?

I just disabled ad filtering on but I still don’t see any ads :frowning:

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