Is Xen coming out in December?

Hi All. Is Xen coming out in December before the end of 2017? Or will it be delayed?

I keep checking the news section of the site, but see no updates.


NO clue, but as there is no news would guess that it is coming out in December.

the dev team is in crunch time. So the fact that contact is low and news even less so is not surprising. Hell as it is we have gotten more news on xen sense crunch started then during the mod years.

Anyway I do not expect a news post to come until the end of this month at the earliest.

Probably yes, since it is stated as “do-or-die” deadline. I think it could vary how much bugs it will have. I hope there will be enough time to fix most critical bugs after release, before holidays, so players and devs could enjoy holidays without worries.

No. Xen is never coming out. The dev team will simply continue working on it in perpetuity, creating an ever-expanding virtual world using ever-more-sophisticated computer technology, and never ever share it with anyone else.

Last dev comment was on the Nov 17

It will be finished right in time for Christmas! [Citation Needed][/size]

Only time will tell orudie.


Any news??? LOL LOL LOL !!!

Here’s some news for you.

Xen is dead.

The fandom killed it.


Same way Duke Nukem Forever died…Should’ve guessed!

Epitaph you are either an idiot or a troll. And I do not know which one I hate more.

I wasn’t aware it was an either-or distinction.

Annnnnnnnnnnd it’s delayed again.


People mad on both sides (devs and fans). Eager fans want news, devs don’t answer cause they crunch (yet they have time to post comments on facebook [e.g Valvetime]), then “loyal fans” come to the rescue, circle-jerking other “loyal fans” and fighting evil trolls and idiots! “Let’s unite to ward off evil my lads!!!”
Btw, the only way to stop a troll (that is, if i were one) is to ignore it. So guess who’s the idiot.

Keep that circle-jerk A.L.I.V.E.

Edit : Just saw the link Pootisman posted.
Can’t say i didn’t expect it.
Hope the devs take their time, don’t care that much for the delay. Just keep us posted and enjoy life broz. Nobody is urging you to release XEN, just keep us updated once every 3 months.

Why would I want you to go away? You give me far too much material to work off of!

Case in point, liking your own post about circlejerking. I didn’t even know that was possible.

Why would I want you to go away? You give me far too much material to work off of!

Case in point, liking your own post (I didn’t even know that was possible). And the post was about circlejerking.

EDIT: What the…?

Take some advice from someone who has been following this mod for over a decade and have been waiting for zen for over half a decade.
Always assume delays. This is nothing personal to the devs, but we were promised a fully completed mod in 2009. What we got december 31st 2009 was a promise for a release “soon”
Nearly 3 years later we got half a mod with xen coming “soon.” An additional 3 years later we were allowed to buy the same half a mod with a promise for the second half sometime in the future
Now, as paying customers, we still do not get any real info, but now on the second delay in 6 months, we are back to “soon.” So, when looking at the history of this monumental undertaking, if the last re-release was mid 2015, there is no reason to expect another release until mid 2018 at the least and there is always the possibility of additional delays. At least they have our money at this point, so any complaints we will have are now valid

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