HQ Metal Vent textures

I have made a high quality metal air duct / vent texture pack…I think the vent textures are a bit low res compared with the rest of Black mesa this gives the vents more detail. They are also bump mapped and shiny. the top image is out of date there is dirt on it now. It has taken me all day to do this but I am glad that I did.

Hope you enjoy the new looking vents that I have done

Download link V3 final.


Extract the New folder to your BMS directory and play through a level like office complex you will notice the difference straight away.

The old textures are also included to reverse the changes If you prefer the original look.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

The stock SDK textures are props/metalducts001a, 003a and 004a.

I have sorted it out, I needed to make a props folder in BMS for the Path…

The game will always look in BMS files first, so I just had to create a path for it.

Thanks for helping.

I think the bump maps need improvement as I just used the default vtf edit generated bump maps… I am using gimp, does anyone have any knowledge of how to enhance the bump maps and keep the settings the same for all the textures?

or even if someone who is more talented than myself would like to do it I would be even happier :slight_smile:

I like your vent textures. They look really good.

Thanks, I was actually planning on having a break from black mesa for a bit and started playing mirrors edge.

When i saw the vents in that game iknew black mesa needed something similar, so i ended up stopping playing mirrors edge to do this.

Ok slightly improved version available now in first post. Bump maps are a lot better.

this will be the last update for the pack but if somone thinks they can improve it further be my guest.

Is there a way to get the vent textures their own files instead of just replacing existing textures outright? My mod will probably have quite a few vents in varying conditions, so having different textures for different areas would help alleviate visual monotony. (Also, if I wanted to use these in my mod, could I do that as long as I credit you?)

If it’s your mod, renaming them should suffice. Just make sure you rename any associated files as well. So you’re rename the texture, rename the normal, rename the vmt, and open the vmt (with notepad) and change the paths to point at the new texture names. This will make them a separate texture, they will not replace anything and will not appear unless you place them in hammer.



change to


Then in the renamed.vmt, near the top you’ll find something like

"$basetexture" "metal\texture" "$surfaceprop" "metal" "$bumpmap" "metal\texture_normal"

Simply change those to the new name and save it.

what mr someguy said rename and put them in your metal materials folder.

yes you can use them let’s face it it’s not going to end up in the game proper, hardly any community assets have and I doubt that will change any time soon. I did not do it for that reason either to try and get my assets in to game I just don’t like the vent textures.

but if you do the renaming they won’t show up in Black Mesa.

Wow, nice work man! These look really good. :slight_smile:

Simple but effective change.

To be fair, the submission forum for community content has been left literally untouched.
I’m pretty sure the devs would only consider stuff posted in there, as it’s then acknowledged by the creator as final and up for use.

The vents seem just a tad too shiny to me, but other than that they look perfect.

I remember they said something about not being able to accept community addons in the forms of level expansions due to a bunch of issues they don’t want/need (ownership responsibility, etc.). Wonder if that also applies to things like textures.

Doesn’t look like it does.

But had they already known about the commercial complications when that was written? I’m talking in specific about their reasoning for not being able to accept the community expansions (like the “Uncut” series that seem to be pretty popular).

I would imagine now there is a comercial release that community assets are more for the free version the steam version is probably not addressed with that statement.

It is more than likely outdated but i guess it applies to the free version

With good reason. Try clicking the “New Topic” button. It’s disabled. You literally cannot make a thread in that section. That’s why it is empty. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, whoops. Didn’t notice that.
Mah bad. :retard:

This would mean editing the normals, I am no expert with this stuff but perhaps someone could offer some advice on how to alter normals or create better normal maps.

But honestly I don’t have time at the moment, but feel free to alter them and post it here if you would like.

Actually you’d just need to modify the envmaptint parameter in the VMT, which literally takes 2 seconds + test time.

ah see I am showing my expertise on this subject :slight_smile:

well 2 seconds or not I have done about 80 hours work in the last 7 days not including travel so my feet are going up tonight and tomorrow… Perhaps later on when I get a proper break.

The uncut series is a different animal. We have discussed it with Chon. I played the ST one. It has some interesting ideas, but quality wise doesn’t match up to the free mod, much less the steam version. Since Chon is on the team now its a moot point about that community submission. Chon is also free to release any future versions with out our interference. The problem is money. If we make any on this then who ever got their stuff in would have to sign a waiver or contract stating that they were no going to get any compensation from their submission. Because if they didn’t I’m sure someone would sue down the road. As for community support on the paid version we should be announcing what all we plan on supporting at some point in the future. (I hope that was vague enough)

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.