How to open this door?

If this is in the wrong place please move it. The appropriate thread has been locked.

This is in the switch yard in On a Rail Uncut. It is the building where the switch to open the door and switch rails is. Now every where else in the game that I can think of if a door handle rattles when tried, then it can be opened later on. But I have never figured out how to open this one and it is really bugging me.
So, can this door be opened?

I have searched and searched, searched again and searched some more and can not find a way to get to the other side of that door. It looks like there is no way to get there from here. :cursing:

I’m pretty sure you’re wrong about always being able to open doors with rattling handles. The rattling handles were a feature used in HL2 to explicitly signal doors you [i]couldn’t[\i] go through, but at least felt more realistic than simply a blank, non-interactive door texture.

Maybe you are correct and maybe you are not, but I can not think of another door that rattles that can not be opened. I have recently played through BMS 3 times and specifically played that switchyard 3 times and I can not remember another door like that.

Ok I am now officially fixated on that door. There is most likely nothing behind it, making it the only door of that type that can not be opened in the game. AFAIK.

So. I have heard that there is something called “console” that can be used to enable something called “no clip” that lets one move through walls. Are there instructions anywhere on how to use these items?

First, ensure that the Developer Console is enabled. To do this, go to the Options menu, click on the “Keyboard” tab, and then click the button labeled “Advanced.” Make sure the box next to “Enable Developer Console (~)” is checked.

Then, go into the game. When you are at the place you want to noclip, press the button above the tab key (should say and [font='Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif']~[/font]). The game should pause and the console window will appear. To turn on noclip, type in "sv_cheats 1" (without the quotes) and press enter. This turns on "cheats." Then type in "noclip" and it should tell you "noclip ON". Press the console key (/~) to return to the game. You now float through the world ignoring collisions and gravity, i.e. you can go anywhere you want, even through walls.

When you want to return to normal movement, return to the console (`/~) and type in “noclip” again. It should tell you “noclip OFF”, and when you start playing again, you will walk normally.


Now my life is complete. There is nothing behind that door but an empty room.

The thing is though, according to the “visual vocabulary” that Valve built up with Half-Life games in Source, in general a door might be opened later on if the handle rattles, while a door that will never open is generally a door without a handle, to visually signal to the player that he/she should not waste time trying to open that door.

There are a few places in Black Mesa where the environments do not always follow the conventions put in place by Valve though.

I remember there being a ton of doors in Portal with handles that rattled but could never be opened.

The thing that bothered me was that I could not find another door like that that could not eventually be opened in BM.

Well OaR uncut is an unfinished third-party mod.

Ayup! He is also now on the BM team. And it is also one of my favorite parts of the game and is much much much better than STU.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.