How to install mods on the Steam version?

Hello I recently installed black mesa and have noticed that it now uses the vpk system which is great but how do you install skins or mods that came out before the mod was a game? I went into the mod directory and tried creating a custom folder just like for Counter strike source or Tf2 but it doesn’t seem to work. Is there something I’m missing? Any help would be much appreciated.


Its uses L4D2’s vpk system, so you can only get mods form the BMS workshop or package it yourself

So it’s not like Counter strike source’s vpk system? Are their any tutorials on how to does this then?

Just create an addons folder and put your .vpks.

I am doing a lot of mods right now, Well, to be honest right, I’m transferring several mods that made the old version to the new version

Trying to recreate the most of oldschool climate Half Life 1 in some reskins.

I’ve seen some of your skins on game banana before nice job! Do you know where I could find a tutorial on how to make a vpk?

In the bin folder you will found a program called vpk, just drag your skin mod or model and he will compile in .vpk

Adding to what Lestat said, make sure you have the folder structure correct before making it into a VPK. For instance, a new firing sound for the Magnum would need to be “sound/weapons/357/single.wav” or “materials/models/weapons/v_357/357_sheet.vtf” for a reskin of the Magnum.

I just noticed that the folders for the 357, crowbar, shotgun, satchel charge, and viewmodel hands are under “materials/models/weapons” in the textures vpk while the rest of the weapons(glock, gluon, etc) are in “materials/models” for some reason. Odd

Thanks for the help guys! :EDIT: looks like a spoke too soon whenever I try to make a vpk file from a folder the program just crashes. Am I doing something wrong and if so how can I fix it?

I found out how to make the folders into vpk’s and they seem to work okay but whenever I try to start the game up it deletes them. Good thing I had a backup of them or I would have lost all the mods I made into vpks! Does anybody know how I can get them to work?

I edited the .dmx scripts for a few of the guns that don’t have cvars for damage, etc and made a vpk and put it in bms/addons. Its still there after running the game so i’ve got no idea why it would delete your vpk addon.

I should probably verify that the gun values actually changed lol, gonna go do that.

edit: confirmed working for weapon script modding. I upped the 357 to 50 dmg from 45, set vortigaunts to have 50hp(for the test), spawned one ingame and one torso shot took him down.

Also, in my post about folder structure I wasn’t paying attention and forgot to add that you need to have a folder that is your “mod” or whatever. I used “Weapon Rebalance/gameplay/weapons/weapon_357.dmx” or weapon_shotgun, etc .

There’s got to be someone that can help me! I can’t figure out why the game keeps deleting the vpk files I place in the addon folder.

I really want to help you, but I have no idea

Not sure if vpk files are allowed as attachments but could you either put your vpk on mediafire or something and link it, or put the vpk in a zip or rar and attach that(surely those can be attached?)
I’ll see if i can figure out what the issue is

Never mind I figured it out I was putting files into the steam workshop folder inside the addons folder, instead of putting them into just the addons folder which is why they were being deleted thanks for the help guys! :thumbsup: Everything seems to be in order now.

Hehehe, I did it too in the beggining

Lol well at least I figured it out in the end, thanks again.

It’s really unnecessary to modify the gameinfo.txt, just place mods into the addons folder (but not the addons/workshop folder).

If you want to play a mod: Put the VPK in the bms\addons folder. Done. You need nothing more.

If you want to use the mod content in Hammer (w/o sullying your BM directory): Mount the VPK in the gameinfo.txt

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.