Anyone go any idea how much it costs to set up a decent but cheap server? I wanna sell webspace if possible. Any guides on how to set the thing up are welcome
protip: if you need guides to set it up, you shouldn’t be trying in the first place.
but besides that, your audience is probably not too big. expect your hardware to cost some €2000 for a pretty decent server with remote management functions and a decent backup-device (i.e. tape with a good backup strategy, anything else IS NOT a backup, just a failsafe).
it is explicitely up to you to figure out what kind of hardware you should buy and what kind of backup plan you should be having. if you cannot figure that out, stay the fuck away from the hosting market.
If your asking how to make a server.
Your in no way cut out to sell webspace.
Get an old PC that you don’t mind leaving on 24/7, download LAMP(linux,apache,mysql,php) on it, unblock port 80 on your router and get an ISP with alot of upload speed.
You can provide webspace like that, but not to alot of people.
enjoy your virus-ridden pc and zombie
Shit doesn’t work that way. Also: how is he going to know which user requested which domain?
Yes, sorry. That was quite facepalm-worthy. I actually thought he would want to serve multiple domains when he wants to start a webhosting company. Crazy, huh?
You’ll definitely need a hella fast internet connection if you plan on doing web hosting.
Also, ISP’s generally frown upon hosting a server on their network, I’ve heard cases where the cut of people’s internet because they chew up so much bandwidth. Talk to your ISP about setting up a server, and if they allow it.
Well wait a moment. This is pretty much how I started out myself and now look at where it ended not only I but everyone on this very forum.
Some word of advice for starting your own web hosting company. You should start very small and look into buying some “reseller” plans. Hence the word “resell”. Google shall provide you with the rest.
Best of wishes buddy. If you need anymore help just msn me up:
Yes because everyone who sells webspace was born with the knowledge.
Stop being a tool.
It’s not the problem he doesn’t know how to build a server, it’s not a problem he doesn’t know how to config Apache (or IIS) and it certainly is not the problem that he’s asking how to do it.
The real problem, for me, lies in the fact that he doesn’t show any initiative. Nothing like: "o hey i googled some but there’s contradicting info, could you guys help me out?"or “hey, i try to start hosting, i got these stuffs, am i missing something?” It’s more like: “how does i webhosting l0lol”
Every new thread on this forum is in the form of “how does i _______ lol”
Anyway, I have a question, why is it that I never succeeded in making an imageboard work on my server? It always got fucked up when I tried to config it.
email moot, he knows