hl2.exe has stopped working

I’m flabbergasted. I have been eagerly waiting for Black Mesa, downloaded it as soon as it appeared, installed … only to get the dreadful

hl2.exe has stopped working

I’ve checked that the source is in the right place (used the installer, though), I’ve updated video drivers, I’ve even removed all local HL2* to force re-loading of any necessary content (nothing happened, though), but nothing works. Working on a plain, fully patched W7 32 Pro, NVidia 560 Ti, old Core 2 1.8 overclocked to 2.7, 2Gb Ram, at 1366x768.

Please help. The MDMP is attached.

hl2_4104_crash_2012_9_15T11_9_40C0.mdmp (77.3 KB)

Same here, I’m devastated! Please help us guys!

Experiencing same problem, hl2 runs fine but black mesa has issues

I do get the same time but not when i start it but rather within a certain location off the gameplay.

Such as when i start the fan and hurry up before it gain speed then the game crash down, but if i stay under the fan then game wont crash but then i cannot proceed with the game.
This happen whenever the fan gain a certain speed then crash.

Update: setting “-window -dxlevel 91+” (the latter seems crazy, but is also seems to be necessary) worked for me: I can now run BM, although not full-screen. Messing up with graphic options also incurs a serious risk of bombs, but at least for now I can at least proceed …

Make sure there are no boxes/debris on the fan before starting it, should fix it.

How are you playing with a GTX 560ti on only 1366x768? That’s a laptop resolution. Your specs indicate that you’re playing from a laptop…?

No, it’s a desktop which we use with the 32" HD-ready TV. I’d like to upgrade to full-HD, but the original video card broke down a while ago and had to be replaced, thus burning the money for the TV replacement …

that happen me 2

Yep. Got it when I was fighting the Apache on Surface Tension.

Hoping for a fix with the Steam release.

Ocasionally the game crashes for me, but it’s ok. The funny thing is that if I Tab down the game and do something else, than even hours later I can re-enter it. Just try this with HL2, the game crashes in no time.

On Windows 7 I have “hl2.exe stopped working” from time to time.
Now I install Windows 8.1 and have this error every ~15 seconds so I can’t play.

Black Mesa do not works on 8.1?

I don’t think anything works on Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 here and most things work here.

I play BM with no issues.

Saying nothing works on 8.1 is just completely wrong.

Most applications require to be on desktop mode, I always did.

I have a problem hope that you all can help me figured out how to solve it

Here my problem

After few minute I open BM it will always stop working

Please help me

I have the same problem at the start of questionable ethics wen I try yo get up the ladder, and when i wanted to go kill some marines at we’ve got hostiles, I rounded the bend where the scientist got blown up and the game crashed again, with the same error, please help me I have tried everything t fix this and i really want to finish the game.

Oh hey, I get random “hl2.exe has stopped working lel screw u” messages mainly around Surface Tension and sometimes it jumps straight back to the main menu and I can’t load a new chapter or an earlier save! Weird…

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.