High poly models

Im not sure if this is in the right part of the forum, but I was just looking through the wiki and i was amazed with the detail on the high poly models. So i was wondering if it was possible to be able to switch between the normal in-game models (for peple with normal computers), and the high poly models (for people with big, expensive, gaming computer)? :smiley:

There is no high or low poly models, the graphics of BM will adjust your computer performances.

The hi-poly models are far too detailed for normal in-game use, even with very powerful computers. If a scene requires several instances of those hi-poly models on the same scene, even your beefy computer would easily start to have difficulty maintaining a stable framerate processing so many polygons at the same time.

Besides, those models are used as a base to make normal maps for the in-game models, they don’t even get textured or animated.

Aside from renders in the media section, that is.

ah, thanks for the quick replies.

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