That’s the problem with BM - there’s no way to decrease the game sound levels separate from music. If you start increasing decibels - it will start peaking. Blast pit suffers from the same problem.
Anyway, I am reserving this post for an update, since upload speeds are really low today. Bear with me.
EDIT: After a playthrough with the new sounds, I have to say that I was mostly satisfied with the package. However, some rough edges had to be polished and on top of that:
No more raep jokes, marine.
I know it is far from perfect, the timing’s a bit shite, but you know what. I am rolling with it.
The update does not overwrite the sound files in 12DumbassSci folder. Therefore, old blob file (scenes_old.image) is included for those who want to keep the raep joke.
As for rough edges:
-Lines have been adjusted, bits and bobs here and there
-Music has been tinkered with: Valve’s theme reworked with Dragonmask’s suggestions in mind, Blast pit theme (Nepal Monastery) - quite unfortunately gets muffled by tons of noise, so is swapped for HL2’s remix of Sirens in the Distance. Nepal Monastery (amplified) is still included as BP4.
Light version w/out alien_slave sounds is now abandoned due to author running out of fucks to give. It’s all in a single pack.
Anyway, here’s version 2.5, which I consider final:
BMS - HECU Radio Chatter Swap v.2.5 (OAR & ST Uncut Compatible)[/SIZE]
P.S. Fun suggestion. Copy over all sounds from HL1’s /vox folder into BM’s own /vox folder, than play through We’ve got hostiles.