Hammer Mapping Issue

Hey there! First of all, i’m sorry if this thread is violating the subforum rules. I’m newbie.

Okay, i’m creating a mini-scenario based mod based on Black Mesa (no sh-sherlock) but when i compile my map, i’m hvaing some lighting issues. It’s probably soo easy to fix, but i’m a learner (two weeks experience with hammer) so i wanted to ask. (googling didn’t help much)

When i fire a weapon in my map, weapon lighting shows me some buggy fire light. I mean, full of red crosses around the barrel. I had same issue with a workshop mod i’ve played. What is the reason of it and how to fix it? Thank you :slight_smile:



Thanks for the reply! But sadly, i’m pretty sure i do not have a leak in my map.

Here’s my compile log ( https://pastebin.com/jPpKPRie ) which shows no leaked error, also i cannot load a pointfile. :frowning:

I do have some lights too close to the walls (light beams leaks out of the map) but i don’t think it’ll be a problem. Will it? Here’s the screenshot of what i’m talking about.

Thanks again :slight_smile: [attach=5009,none,1912][/attach]

Unless the lighting entity itself is outside of the wall, it should not cause leaks.

Yes, i thought same. That is physically impossible since light is not a… you know. Has no impact on walls except visual illusions.

Here’s the screenshot of the error.[attach=5010,none,1919][/attach]


I dont know how but error is gone when i recompile the map. Compile log is same. :slight_smile: Just replaced a ragdoll to make it a better-looking-corpse. Thanks for any help, but i still want to learn the reason of that error.

I believe that sometimes it takes a second for the game to cache particle effects when it’s loading directly from Hammer. In that case, when a ragdoll settles or you fire your weapon, the game will display those red X’s instead of the (currently not loaded) particle sprite.

I’ve had this issue with custom maps, but they always end up fixing themselves within a couple seconds after the map loads anyway.

Hey! thanks for da reply :slight_smile: Do you have any suggestion to fix this error? I mean, as i said i’m creating a mini scenario, don’t think i have that much time to make players wait until start shooting :frowning:

BTW: it’s happening again. Still no leak, flesh-blood particles and weapon particles giving this error.

Is the problem still present when you run the map directly (i.e. just clicking on the “Black Mesa” icon and not compiling through Hammer)? Running the game from Hammer slows it down considerably, so that may be why things are taking so long to load.

I’m running the game first time with Hammer, then leave it open and alt-tab and use “map BLABLA” command on the console, when i finish testing, i use “disconnect” command. so basically game stays open in the background.


Verifying Black Mesa files seems to fixed the error. For now. I’m still not sure about the reason and certain fix of error.

Yeah, that will cause it to run much slower than the game would on its own.

I just have a quick fade in at the beginning to let the engine catch up.

Yep, i have that fade in too! Looks cool and it can hide most startup errors! :slight_smile: Thanks

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.