Half-Life: Foxtrot Uniform (Live Action Short Film)

May 16,2003: When Gordon Freeman inserted the sample GG-3883 into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, it …

I assume they intended to imitate the cheesy 80s-90s hollywood action style, which is cool but I think they went a bit too far with it. It’s not so much amusing as it is laughable. Also the dubbing is a bit distracting, but that’s forgivable, I guess.

Everything else though is really good. There’s some pretty damned good visual effects and a lot of the sets and props are cool.

That was fun, in a B-movie kind of way. Which, I mean, is as much as you can expect from a fan film anyway, given the limited budgets these kinds of projects usually have. And any chance to hear Mikee’s voice is one that should be taken. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The barnacle was just a bit too cheesy for me, though.

What he said.

I mean, given the B-movie nature of Half-Life’s plot, I think it fit perfectly.

Also, iunno if it’s all those dubbed over westerns I’ve seen, but it didn’t really bother me at all.

I just think it was taken a bit too far. Didn’t so much capture the cheesy charm as deliver cheesy lines terribly. Still, good stuff.

I think I was so off-put by the dubbing because I wasn’t expecting it. I mean it was still a bit odd, but towards the end it was more bearable since I knew it was happening.

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