My only disappointment with this mod (disappointment is actually too harsh of a word, I just can’t think of anything else) was the use of the “green glowing” textures for the radiation areas. Unforunately, this is based on a misconception by the public that goes back to the 1940’s.
The only exposure a lot of people had to radiation was “radioactive” watch dials. Watch dials were made of flourescent materials and painted with a radium-laced paint. There was not much radium (and in fact, the watches were safe to own and use - radioactivity was actually very low) - but it of course interacted with the flourescent materials and caused a green glow. This is how early “glow in the dark” watches were made. Unfortunately, it made a lasting correlation in the public mind, that sources of radiation glow green, when in fact they do not.
The original Half-Life sadly fell prey to this misconception. However, Half-Life 2, which predates this mod by 8 years, did not. I was actually pleasantly surprised when the “radioactive” areas of Half-Life 2 were given MUCH more realistic textures. If you’ve seen what REAL radioactive waste looks like, Half-Life 2 actually comes pretty close to the mark, or close enough considering the limits of 3D engines and hardware in 2004 when it was made. There was actually a little bit of a glow to some of Half-Life 2’s textures, where in real life there would not be, but it overall wasn’t too bad.
What I’m wondering is…since this is a Source game, if it would be possible to change/copy some files around and have it use the Half-Life 2 textures for the radioactive areas, rather than the green glow. This is really nothing more than a minor nitpick in a very well done mod, but as someone who does understand radiation and KNOWS that radioactive substances do not glow green, I find the green glowing water to be a distraction.
Here is a video that shows what real radioactive waste looks like. It’s low resolution, but this is why I said Half-Life 2 came pretty close to the mark.