graphical glitch

hostname: Half-Life 2
version : 3943 insecure
map : bm_c3a1b at: 155 x, -1521 y, -261 z
players : 1 (1 max)

userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr

3 “BeholdenWorm3” UNKNOWN 03:29 84 0 active loopback

] getpos
setpos 155.578735 -1521.229980 -261.258362;setang 4.393390 93.048325 0.000000

I just came out and this was going on. it didn’t affect gameplay as I could walk through it but it was really weird to look at.

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this problem before. What are your specs?

My God! You’ve discovered the Borealis!!

But seriously, I have no clue. Did you verify or re-install the mod?

Half Life 3 CONFIRMED!!!

[COLOR=‘Green’]About as well as your constant mini-modding. Please stop.

F-ing A, man!

Still, I too didn’t encounter this glitch ever. Perhaps some kind of addon, or file tweaking caused it? Updating the drivers would fix this problem.

Hm, I remember I had something like this happen back in the day, with the Left 4 Dead 2 demo.

It did happen because I had a terrible videocard back in the day, so maybe your problem could be outdated drivers or something of the such. Sorry I can’t be of much help, but this happened a long time ago :stuck_out_tongue:

Terribly sorry about this.

My post has been edited.

My Specs are…
FX 4170
gigabyte 990fx-a-ud3
8gb ram
1tb for games
120gb ssd for os
as of the posting date I was running the latest non beta driver ccc 13.6 I think?
I replayed the level and it didn’t show again so I have no idea what caused this.

No overclock, or heat issues I’m assuming?

No everything is factory clocked and I can keep the temps down.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.