
Best thread title since 1997!
So I redid the shaders for my glock from yesteryear for the sake of activating every kind of shader paramater that Source 2007 has to offer. Also it was bad the last time I did it.

The textures are completely dynamically lit, so this features a diffuse map, normals, specular, gloss, and a mask for the rimlight.
I’m still tweaking bits and pieces, making sure that it looks it’s best in all situations. Right now my main problem is that the envmapmask shares it’s bitmap with the phongmask, so it looks pretty good in low-light, but is weirdly overcontrasted in the daylight areas. Maybe it has to do with the cubemaps up there…

As you can see, it’s features view, world models, and I also did the w_9mmclip. I did find this w_glock_lh, which I have no idea what is, and I can’t find it in game. I thought it might be the one that the guards have holstered, but nope. Any one know this?

I’d imagine it’s the second (Left Hand) Glock that the female assassins hold.

Did you really just spawn and kill dozens of security guards just to get their weapons? Whatever happened to give weapon_glock? :stuck_out_tongue:

Before I compiled the _lh, I checked the assassins and they carry around the w_glock just like the security guards do, so it’s not that either…
It’s weird how the assassins’ glocks aren’t silenced, but they sound like they are…

Give weapon_glock only gives you a v_glock, and only as long as you don’t have the glock. There is no drop command like there is in css either, sooooo IDKLOL seemed like the only way to get w_glocks :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyways, I’m getting ready to release this as quickly as youtube gets done crapping up the quality of my latest upload.
The glock now reflects the way I want it to both indoor and outdoor :slight_smile:

I guess alot of freestyle devs here need to be a part of the official dev team, cause alot of the stuff I see in the Workshop is Official Release worthy…

AAaaaand it’s done. Can’t nitpick on this anymore…

I wouldn’t have time to do that, and work on projects I want, so I’d rather donate artwork when my projects fit :slight_smile:
Crowbar and mp5 coming up.

Well, the dual-wielders do definitely have two distinct glocks that they carry around, not sure what’s what but it looks like a regular and a multiplayer glock…

It kinda makes sense that there’d be two different models. Kinda.
I wonder if we’ll see silenced pistols in the final retail version of Black Mesa. It would be really neat if you could pick one up and not be detected as easily when using it. Upgrading the glock halfway through the game seems like a really interesting concept to me.

The devs have said multiple times that that isn’t going to happen, partially because that would require them to code a new weapon, and partially because it would be pointless to get a new weapon only to have it taken away before you can even use it.
Which is the main reason that they aren’t suppressed in the current version.

I see. I suppose that makes sense. Though the inconsistency of the assassin’s unsilenced pistols making silenced sounds will always bug me in that case.

Nice catch!

Turns out there are two different models for her, Glock (which is the standard third person Glock) and glock_lh (left handed). When I updated the Glock I never updated glock_lh. I’ll see if I can fix this today.

A. Dat Glock shader is… oh so sexy.
B. It seems you guys already know about the _lh stuff so don’t mind my redundant description.

Thanks, people. Weird how I completely missed that they carried two distinctively different glocks…
I’ll be updating this with a new compile, as I wanna remake the w_ model with a ~500poly model.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.