Get Black Mesa on Steam! We can do it!

This needs to happen. I’m leaving for Basic two days after BM comes out, but still I want this to happen. I have the up most respect for the DEVS and when I get back I’m paying the full amount for the OST, as well.

This happened between the hours of 11 and 3 US time, so not much in the way of saturation. Give it 12 hours. We’ll see a jump as the facebook crowd wakes up and sees the alert, and the gaming news puts out their links. It’ll be chaos. Orchestrated chaos.

The off-peak hour also gives better headlines for tomorrow. Lets assume 1% per hour, and that the journalists will start posting in 4 hours. They can throw “Black Mesa on Greenlight, 5% already!” into their headline.

Also, spooboy, I love your signature.

I would vote, but steam isn’t sending me the security code to log in. > :frowning:

you got my vote, now… to get more recognition lets hope valve would make it a headlining story.

Definitely got my vote! Perhaps updating the moddb further with this information would be helpful? Looks like it needs a shit load of votes!

I’m sure this will go down as the fastest voted game on Greenlight for a looooong time.

Also cool screenshots:

Haven’t posted in ages, but have lurked loving even the smallest update in any form, Just wanted to say thank you so much to all the developers for working their *sses off to bring this awesome game to being. High fives and if I could I would so buy all of you a beer. Sent the link to everyone I knew. Thanks so much guys ^^

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help us out on reddit!

I heard you like medias?

I have such a mancrush on you at the moment.

You need a paid game on the account to vote on greenlight huh? So much for the account i just created to vote for this

Voted of course! At 2% of necessary votes now. Maybe it would be a good idea to ask Hubicorn if he could place this on the home page as well, on the page with the countdown. :slight_smile:

Voted. Shared. Good luck guys!

The shot from the bottom of the silo is stunning by the way. <3

Already voted, maybe I can get some friends to vote, too. And the mountain shot, oh my god that’s amazing.

jesus carlos, do you want anyone to play the mod or do you want us all to die of seizures? :expressionless:


That’s it ? Come on, man, put some effort into it :slight_smile:

My reaction, before I clicked “yes”.

Done and done!

Vote twice :slight_smile:

Homepage got updated with a vote button! Nice job, Hubi!

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.