Gaming News Thread

It’s more like Age of Empires than Civilization. In fact, the only thing that can be compared with Civilization is the fact that you can evolve a civilization from the stone age to the far future.

Alan Wake confirmed for PC next year.

Hell fucking yes. I always wanted to try it out, but I don’t own the Xbox console.

The Alan Wake trailer at the Spike VGA didn’t impress me so I’m not really excited about this.

Speaking of which, is it a full length game, or a downloadable title? The announcement “for Xbox Live” makes me think it’s not a full length game, which is a shame. The original had some problems, but it was good enough I’d buy a full sequel on day 1.

Meh… That game stopped being interesting after they said it wasn’t open world any more. Turn off for me.

From what people have said, the free roam aspect would’ve affected the linear plot development, so they retooled the game to be more linear.

I’m very curious to try that game out, so I’ll check it out when the PC version is released.

It was ok. After awhile the game got repetitive.

I really enjoyed it. I had previously thought an effective horror game at a Teen rating was impossible. But the writing is quite solid. After all, this IS Sam Lake we’re talking about here. The lip animation is a bit off at times but on the whole Alan Wake is a very worthwhile experience. My collectors edition of the game is among my most beloved possessions, due to it’s inclusion of an excellent soundtrack and developer commentary.

All games do. You rely on how much the game sucks you in to ignore (some of) the repetition. You obviously weren’t as into it as much as myself and kenny were.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.