Fuck everything else.
Except for maybe Black Mesa. But still.
Black mesa
Hitman 5 (if there is going to be one)
Battlefield 3
Just gonna add Arkham City to the list, though I have to say, I think Mass Effect 3 is currently my most anticipated game.
Portal 2 and Mass Effect 3, and although it’s not a new game, the one I’m most looking forward to is LoZ: Ocarina of Time - more polygons and better character models and graphics, no pausing for the inventory, Master Quest version on the same cart, all in 3D and on a hand-held.
Max Payne 3
Half Life 2 Episode 3
Battlefield 3
L.A Noire
Mostly ecstatic over Max Payne 3, I know it’s far from release date, but still, I love Max Payne.
I personally don’t care about the MQ addition, but yeah, this is pretty much the only reason I want a 3DS. Too bad about the super low screen resolution and the horrible battery life.
the screen is like 4 inches wide, you don’t need a high resolution.
- Portal 2
- Deus Ex
- L.A. Noire
- Black Mesa
Have you seen the DS/DSlite/etc. screens? They’re big enough to be a bother, and the 3DS’ screen is slightly bigger, with a slightly higher resolution.
What is the point of increasing the power of the handheld so much if the resolution is still ass?
Well… HL1 and HL2 had multiplayer… And HL1DM was the best multiplayer game ever… so… HL3DM will be a must for HL3.
QWOP 2 Episode 3
- Portal 2
2.Portal 2 - Portal 2
- Battlefield 3.
Everything else is just a distraction while I wait.
Portal 2.
Everything else…is just a game.
The Witcher 2
Portal 2
Dead Island
Mass Effect 3
aslo the final episodes of the Winter Voices game (fun little indie RPG you could check out)
Battlefield 3
'nuff said
This is so tragic, but I just can’t buy into hype anymore. After I spent $50 on Left 4 Dead, I couldn’t possibly make a purchasing decision on something without having played it. Even for Portal 2, I’m waiting for a demo.
Black Mesa and Portal 2.
This is why game demos need to be openly available for EVERY game. Not just because there are a lot of games that are hyped but aren’t amazing, but also because we’re getting to a split area in PC gaming where having a high-end rig may need to be necessary(BF3, Crysis 2), i want to know if my PC can run them at any playable rate.
Demo’s are an amazing thing, and with the power of the internet, there is no excuse not release them for a product you expect people to purchase.
I agree that every game should have a demo. To lessen the amount of work they need to do, they could always do it like Xbox Live Arcade games and some PSN games. You download the whole game, and you can only do so much with it (either a playtime cap or only let you get so far) before unlocking the full version.
On the down side, it sucks downloading 5+ GB just to delete it again if you don’t like it.