Front Page Issue

Hi, when on Google Chrome, when I attempt to access the home page, I get the good ol’ “Aw Snap” error, just wondering if anyone else is, or whether it’s just me.

When attempting on Firefox, the site loads fine, however to me the trailer at the top is missing for some reason. Works fine on Internet Explorer however.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Clearing Cache on both Firefox and Chrome, but to no avail.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, bypassing the page by going to the forums works on all Browsers, however going back to the home page causes the error again.

EDIT2: Getting the error on the home page also causes the same error to appear simultaneously on other pages aswell.

Nevermind, it has sorted itself out for some reason, perhaps it was just a random occurance.

For me, this happens if I start up Google Chrome within a few minutes of starting up my computer. I use Firefox during that time.

google chrome is fucking weird, I installed it on Webtop and it loads any page fine then shows the sad tab image, probably google’s spying engine failed to load so the browser locked up.

usually this is an issue with flash, at least for me.

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