For You Doom 3 Lovers

sso when I try to download the first file it says “page not found” on filefront.

Anyway, another thing. Is it possible that Sikkmod is broken on AMD cards? Because the other day I tried it everything looked distorted and corrupted.

  1. Just tried both file links and they are both working. Try again.

  2. I think I remember reading about Sikkmod having some troubles with AMD cards. Read the “Comments” section here or do some Googling.

yeah, tried again and now it works, apparently just a filefront thing.

Good to hear . . . . . hey . . . . . your “Location” address format looks awfully familiar. :lol:

Updated original post with an additional mod, namely IO Doom 3.

need to try. This seems like an interesting games

Just in time for Xmas, Doom 3 Absolute HD updated to version 1.6

Game crashes when security boy does the radio check.

Well I got past that by restarting but now it crashes after I get up a ladder in a bathroom in level 6. Fucking hell.

i also have the crash problem in Absolute doom 31.6 at radio check. Any fix? My pc is core i5 2500k 3,3ghz 12 gb ddr 3 1600 mhz gigabyte gtx 970 g1 gaming. I have all setting maxed 1920x1080. I see some people mentioned that wre must restart it. But how? What to do exaxtly? I typed kill in console(commit suicide) then i clicked restart from the optiomns the game have me but again it crashed at radio check,


Sweeping statements aside, Doom 3 was a superb showcase for what the tech could do at the time and i remember when I first fired it up, it looked the mutts nuts and still stands up today.
The film was truly abysmal and I’d take the game any day.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.