This is not specific to any one map, but I will provide status and getpos information here for the area in which I am reporting the problem.
Walking while holding weapon normally.
When walking, I make very strange hand movements. If I am holding the crowbar, it is almost like I am hitting the “fire” key, but I only execute half of a swing. When holding a gun or any other weapon, the hand movement is similar to no other movement in the game. It does not resemble reloading. It is almost like I’m holding the weapon in my right hand while repeatedly slapping it with my left! I have attached a couple of screenshots showing the glitch mid-action. I can upload a screen recording, if that will help.
This is not specific to any one map - it happens everywhere! However, the full ‘status’ and ‘getpos’ info is below.elow.
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c1a2b at: -1767 x, 795 y, 352 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 587 used of 2048 max
userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr
3 xxxxxxxxxx STEAM_ID_PENDING 00:37 24 0 active loop
setpos -1767.191772 795.142456 352.031250;setang 33.953247 69.642334 0.000000
This is a very frustrating glitch. It doesn’t completely impact gameplay - it just makes it very irregular. The exception to this is if I am walking with the crowbar. Though I only execute half of a swing, anything/anyone (poor security guards!) I come too close to gets hit
!Any help would be great!