Firefox 11 issue

Hi guys,

don’t know if this was said before so i begin. I couldn’t register with Firefox v11. Every time i tried the forum leaded me to a page which said “a required field is missing”. I checked about 3 or 4 times without noticing the field.

Everything works well on Internet Explorer.

And, again, i could not log in in FF 11. I’m writing from Internet Explorer : the password is “wrong”. I checked it again, and everything leads me to think that there is an issue with FF.

Thanks :slight_smile:

im using ff since like 2006 and no problem… maybe clear all remembered passwords and try again

Maybe it’ll help

Stick with Firefox, it’s better.
Don’t know about your issue though.

Seems to be fixed here with the nightly build but I tried to register with a friend. Got the same issue (“a field is missing”). Once done with the crappy IE, we could log in in FF. Half-solved :slight_smile:

IE does the job

Go with Chrome if you want Google to know what sites you’ve been to regardless of whether you use Google search or not.

Conspiracy theorists believe that Google has a secret agenda, I am only stating facts.

Google effectively replaced the Url bar with a “I’m feeling lucky” button.

Does Chrome include a addon like AdBlock for FF with the same quality (customization, HUGE database for ad-blocking) ?

yep, same creators.

I prefer FF, although I had several issues with it upon the last update. Thankfully it seems to have stabilized since then.

I dropped FF a few days ago, it was always freezing and very slow.

You spelled IE wrong. :expressionless:

Actually, FF has been freezing occasionally for me when closing tabs with flash content. No clue why it’s doing it and it’s not doing it on my laptop.

same thing here.


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