how far is one room from the other?
About 20 feet ignoring walls and ceiling, 40 including. Are you think something wireless or long cords? Cords aren’t an option because my parents would get upset. And as for wireless tv tuner or whatever they’re called I don’t want to spend too much money on this.
then i dont know what to say
I noticed on the previous page that sersoft said OnLive was a scam, or at least he thought so. It isn’t. And the reason OnLive is much more capable then any streaming programs is because they use servers for everything. First, they have dedicated gaming PC’s that play the actual games. Then they stream that video footage using (HD) capture hardware to a nearby server which is streaming/compressing the video on the fly over their insanely fast business internet package. It’s a bit more complicated then streaming/capturing all on your home pc, which probably only has 2-4 cores that are doing all the gaming/capturing/uploading by itself.
As for your current situation, you’ve already eliminated all possible options. Streaming movies, however, can be done using media-sharing software. But gaming isn’t done this way.
could use VNC. not for gaming tho
I’ve had an onlive account for a while, and it works as intended, but the games library is too small and the control delay is still there.
There will always be a delay in the controls of cloud gaming until common internet speed is increased significantly and computer hardware gets powerful enough to encode/capture video instantly. As of now, none of the two are happening. Give it 5-7 years and maybe cloud gaming will be something big, but right now it’s kind of a joke.