FYI: Changes can be made without violence, regardless of what Hollywood tries to tell you.
Germany re-united without violence, for example. East Germany was not retaken by force. India was freed from British occupation through non-violent, civil disobedience. Even the revolution in Iran went non-violent (at least the rebels didn’t shoot - the military, of course, did it’s best to exterminate the rebellion).
“Socially unacceptable” is not what I would apply to civil disobedience. You misunderstood me there. I rather think it’s a citizen’s duty to disobey a corrupt and oppressive government as best as he/she can. I don’t think that demonstration marches or public protest is socially unacceptable. I agree with your opinion that anybody who thinks so is downright insane.
Of course, if you had stopped to think about it for a minute instead of immediately being convinced that I would suggest something as insane as that, you might have come to the conclusion that maybe I had expressed myself a little misunderstandable, and that your first impression of my post could have been wrong.
But that’s far too off-topic. Let’s get back to soccer worshippers killing each other.