Personally, I love Joel Nielsen’s music in Black Mesa… However, there’s one song I despise strongly… and that’s end credit song #1. Maybe, I hate this song because when I beat Half-Life for the first time in 2003 - and after playing through the entire epic game… the cliff-hanger that you were left with at the end was one of the most epic cliff-hangers I’ve ever seen (including movies).
So when the amazing end credits music by Kelly Bailey started playing… I got chills down my spine. The perfect song, for the perfect ending to the game. I sat there in awe as the credits scrolled across the screen… amazed by the fact that it felt so epic. Half-Life was the first game I ever played that made me feel like I was the main character, and that I had, personally, beaten nihilanth, and that I had personally survived the resonance cascade at Black Mesa.
To honor that original feeling - I edited the credits song of BM to the original Kelly Bailey song, and mixed it with Joel Nielsen’s end credits part 2 song. There’s only one problem… The music is cut off (around) 10 seconds before it’s supposed to end. And therefore… that kind of ruins the experience…
So can anyone tell me which files I should edit to make it so the credits scroll a little slower? Thanks everyone!
P.S I also edited in the original alarm (instead of the school bell type ring) to the original ‘Alien-like’ siren. I also put the original Fire Door closing warning sound beep back in, but other than that - everything else is perfect
At the moment - I’m also attempting to mix the original HEV charge and Med-Charge ‘initiate’ sounds with the new sounds. If I can get that done and change the above - I’d post that for other who want to do the same