This was about halfway through a 2 hour maths lesson, with an exam tomorrow morning… You might imagine I’d have better things to do, but…
Why am I suddenly aroused?
That makes two of us.
This is godlike.
I want it so much in 1680x1050 !
Ah, yes:
Hello Community.
I’m not even kidding you dude. You will be well known for this artistic style of yours someday.
I’m sure you know of Johnen Vasquez, right? If not, look up some of his art and comics. he even has his own tv cartoons (Invader Zim anyone). It has a specific style and certain look to it. usually dark detailed grotesque drawings…like yours. And they are so interstingly beautiful.
Please share some more of your work. I’d share some of mine but, like others, A working scanner is out of my reach.
He, he is grabbing his ball! :fffuuu:
Only one?
Sexy drawing, btw.
We don’t need to see the grain of the paper, a webcam, digital camera, or phone camera will do fine… Mine was taken with an iPhone camera o.o
(Needless to say, the middle of a maths class isn’t the best time to try to find a scanner)
Some of you are obviously gay for this stuff
lol, you said
I came
I saw
but I sure as hell didn’t conquer nothin
crappy y/n?
that’s what i thought
unfortunately i have no idea how to make sure the proportions are correct
ooh, looks interesting, thanks
but the proportions aren’t that far off, are they?
except the ear being too close to the front, and maybe the forehead not being high enough or something