dm_lockdown (HL2:DM) remake.

So I’ve made my first map for Black Mesa (and while workshop submission tool isnt working exactly as its supposed to I encourage people to get the map from gamebanana:

Then I thought: “I really loved lockdown deathmatch map from hl2dm.”. I found a direct port of the map with original textures but I’t really doesnt fit the game with its all-hl2 textures and design.

Therefore, I decided to do a full remake of dm_lockdown for BM. This means full artpass to fit the visual style of Black Mesa, Including brushwork, models and textures.

This is how few areas I’ve already touched look like (I’m gonna post in-Hammer screens for now. No point In compiling the map in its current state):

What do you think about it?

It looks pretty cool tbh :slight_smile: Too bad that there’s almost nobody online :frowning:

Pre-release compile of the map (screens with comparison to the original):

A few more screens available here:

Ok, that parking lot looks fantastic!!! Very Opposing Force!

I think you might be using the ‘Lab’ textures a bit too heavily, though… I think you should experiment with the We’ve Got Hostiles and Forget About Freeman texture sets a bit more.

Awesome rework overall, nice to see what I always thought was an aggressively forgettable HL2 map remastered in this excellent Black Mesa style.

I have to say, this is VERY impressive. It looks a lot better than in HL2 :smiley: M and pretty polished.

Well done. The only issue (or probably isn’t and I didn’t get used to the map) is that, at least so far, it seems to look a bit too clean for what it’s supposed to be.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.