Hello. I am having rendering issues with the characters in the game, it’s mainly white spots on characters heads and messed up faces, I wrote about it in the Bug/Ingame issues subforums but noone has answered.
I am trying to figure out what is causing these messed up characters. One thing that got my attention was that after reinstalling the game the ingame graphics settings was still the same, even ater reinstallation. Are the settings stored somewhere else than in the cfg folder of BMS? I also tried to remove the game from the steam mygames list but I did not find a way of doing that. Rightclicking and closing uninstall or remove game content doesn’t work.
Any ideas? What is keeping the settings? How do i remove the game from the steam list? And is there any config files somewhere else that I should know of?
Thank you in advance. I so want to enjoy this game, but I can’t stare at effed up characters, Dr.Kleiner looks ridiculous. Please help me