Delta Complex New July 2015

Here is my workshop

please try it

tell my what you think

Honestly, even for a map in development its pretty bland and boxy. And the layout seems rather maze-like. Is it single or multiplayer?

Anyway, I hope you have lots of fun building this map, I can’t really judge while it’s in this state.

Its for multiplayer

I will just be making more maps

Thats it

don’t make it public if it looks like Wolfenstein3D. This is BlackMesa and you should give respect to the engine and build proper looking maps.

Edit: Sorry to be harsh… But think about it… First learn how to make maps… Mess around… Play your own maps… If you think your map works fine, think about the graphics… Try to improve as much as possible… It’s a long process to make maps that people would like to play. HL2DM is flooded with blocky, badly textured shitty maps… So please try to only release valuable stuff.

Edit2: Some tips: Try to play more with different hights. Plan the item-placement… Look at already released maps and look at how things got build. It’s really important to combine textures that fit good to each other… Try to make not too many corridors… corridors are boring. Only build corridors if they really have a purpose. Same for rooms… Ideally it would be cool if each room had a purpose (for example: armor room, LJ room, generator room, middle area… if your room does have something special, it’s easy to give it a name and call it out to your teammates). Try to place models, add stairs, ramps, ladders, curves, add windows, maybe add elevators, add a pool of water… maybe add a low-grav area… try out things… And think about the layout. The most important thing is the item placement and respawn positions… With messy item-placement or player respawns the game will be badly balanced and no fun to play.

Quick question, but how long did this take you to make?

about and hour

This is my first workshop upload

I am testing several maps


also isnt this the source 2007 engine?

But yeah of course its basic af right now

But i liked the structure is all

I even thought about tranference of height etc to several stories

But it was something about its lineage

Well, there’s your problem right there. pd_c1a2b took me about a week to make, and that was only half my work.

Good maps takes weeks not hours.


And this is why i post
To get lecture
To help structure the skills needed

Like if i hadnt posted this
I would never have gotten feedback from talented map makers

also im very glad about the new update including a map src directory

I have tried, using decompile tools to look at maps but not much success

I havent combed through much but it helps me see how good maps are made

There are a few things i have no idea about
And thats good.

For multiplayer maps it’s (in most cases) not necessary to build very complex shapes and add all kinds of fancy effects. In my opinion it’s always more important to have a cool and balanced layout that allows several playstyles and smooth movement. You should also try to add both narrow and wide areas in your map. You can focus on adding details in later stages of development.

I think the biggest flaw that I see with the map’s current design is that the structure is not very interesting. And what I mean by this is that it’s very flat. A lot of it is hallways, which will invariably lead to a lot of corridor combat. It’s fine if you’re trying to create an indoor map, but these sorts of things need variety.

Subtransit is a very good map to look at, considering what you have going here. There are multiple floors to the map and with some of the wide-open rooms more than one floor is accessible. It’s got it’s share of hallways but they go all over the place (and it does help that many of them have their own aesthetic theme). Give your map more floors. Try to have an overall layout that is less flat rectangle and more like a cube. Something like that.

When you’re designing a map, it always helps to make up a “history” about the area.

For example, what kind of place is it? What kind of building? When was the building built? Why was the building made? How did normal people move around the building? Why did they do that?

A lot of the times, once you make up a story for the map, it’s a lot easier to add details. For instance, this locked door leads to the maintenance room, or this drain decal is meant as an outflow for leaky pipes, or this ladder leads to an observation area that overlooks the main room… And so on.

It’s like making a map for Single Player, but with alot of closed doors…

Be sure to read over the dev blogs on Undertow and Gasworks too- they’re full of good tips and information.

Looks like something that belongs in the original Doom.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.