Deathmatch Weapons

Stop trolling the hardcore guy, he’s got some decent points. But ultimately the reason more people have gotten into the online gaming scene is because people have been taking better care to balance their weapons. Why do you think Halo 3’s multiplayer has worked for so long? Or Modern Warfare 2? Or hell, even Counter Strike Source.

I personally hated Halo 3’s multiplayer for it’s community- far too many assholes for my liking. I generally had better luck with MW2, despite it’s infamy in having squeaky-voiced pre-pubecents taunting over the airwaves. The reason it worked is because the skill progression made players feel powerful and consistently rewarded for skillful play. In fact, I actually managed to make a perk set that made the game play more like an old school shooter- Commando Pro and Marathon Pro extended knife melee range, made falling damage irrelevant, and gave the player unlimited sprint. So I could just zip about the battlefield knifing people and setting up sniper shots, which was perfect for my play style. MW2’s customization options are one of the many reasons the games sell so many copies. Granted, I was a recreational player, but I still enjoyed myself.

Counter Strike Source also gleans a huge amount of the online market due to it’s finely tuned gameplay, combining great level design, a high lethality among all players, and a balanced weapon set. This is a similar design that made the original Rainbow Six games a very popular online game to play- If you get caught in the crosshairs, you’re probably dead.

I suppose my general thesis to counter your argument is something along the lines of “fairness in online multiplayer is not counter-intuitive to the process of having fun.”

HL is a fkn unfair game… but maybe that’s the reason why it’s the most balanced game i know.
good players pwn - bad players get pwnd (by good players)
–> good = good and bad = bad.

Yeah, half-life’s multiplayer is the most chaotic and random piece of trash ever.
It was my first fps and I loved it, but good god, it’s way too god damn fast.
Too hard to aim.
Speed that makes you crash.
Not able to enjoy details.
And too easy for assholes to bhop there way to the speed of light and spawn kill like a mother.

The ps2 multiplayer for Half-life was better imo – much slower with better graphics and platforms that, if you ran too fast, would fall off of everytime. This made it a wise choice to walk and utilize lazor mines and satchels.


No one utilizes any weapons but the cheap ones.
My favorite all time Multiplayer game is the old 007, because you could only run kinda slow and you had hop over and duck under the player’s traps and be sneaky and stealthy. You could try different tactics and snipe on a quiet battlefield with tension – good fucking luck sniping in HLDM btw; They had to make the darts of the sniper explosive just to make it a useful weapon, lol.
By the by, not everyone is a pro sniper, so don’t give me your ego stories.

[COLOR=‘Magenta’]Point is, there is no stealth or tactics in Half-life deathmatch; you run around like a psycho swinging and firing until things die. And it gets boring really, really fast.

What details are there to enjoy?

Well, I like that simple way of hunting each other, you have to practice your skills to be good, there are no killstreaks or something like that. :slight_smile:

Lol man. You don’t seem to have any clue about hl1dm gameplay.
Crossbow is a very powerful weapon. When you zoom you shoot instant-hit shots which make 120 damage.
It’s highly strategic and difficult gameplay to control the map and farm freshly spawned opponents… and honestly… HL is a action-shooter game… not a stealth game…
…btw. … You can use most of the PS2 models in HL1… so let’s not talk about graphics here. It’s Black Mesa’s job to make HL pretty again.

Thsi is exactly right, about the cheap weapon use. How about a max amount amount of weapons you can carry:

1 heavy weapon aloud but you can’t have a medium weapons or special weapons then, so heavy weapons are like RPG, Tau cannon, and Glou gun

1 Medium weapon are Hivehand, shotgun, and mp4/5

1 special weapon pack which are snarks, grenades, and tripmines

1 small weapons are 357. and glock

and that is about it.

Ex: a player can have an mp 5/4 with 1/2 grenades from the gun, a glock, and 3 tripmines.
an player can also have an tau cannon, 357., and snarks

this is the closest I have come to thinking of a way to keep players from having all the strong weapons, I know it sucks :stuck_out_tongue:

I already said the idea sucked

but why do you keep advertising it?

Garpy in hl1dm:

This in my opinion is what a good multiplayer game is like. Why? Because it requires skill and takes awhile to get good at. It challenges players and gives them the freedom to personalize their style. Games nowadays allow for the most unmotivated players to get easy frags. I’ll be disappointed if bm:dm ends up being remotely comparable to css, cod, or even halo. That’s why I wasn’t sure what to think when I read there would be no bhop.

In conjunction with xtobix’s posts, I used to be an avid hl2dm player until the orange box update. It introduced many glitches and thwarted all the fun elements of the game such as effective speed skating, thus killing the community. But by doing so we stop playing that game and buy their newer products. Popular games nowadays are all about the money not the community, but many seem oblivious to that fact.

Actually most of us want it like hldm.

Hldm source is completely broken when compared to the classic hldm.
bms dm needs to be either completely different from all of them or to stick with what used to work perfectly and try to replicate the exact control and gameplay from the original hl dm, otherwise a multiple hl champion like myself will not even bother with the mp.

true. i completely agree… hldm :s was cheap and broken… It should’ve never been released.

yea… same… optional bhop (without speed-cap and depending on server-settings) should really be featured in bm:dm because it became a serious core-gameplay element over the years… especially for the competitive scene.

xtobix agrees across four and a half months. That’s a pretty powerful sentiment.

hm yes. it’s just that i’m no forums-freak, soz.


I never much liked HL2: DM to begin with. I think the maps were what annoyed me the most because there wasn’t really any secluded respawn area, it was in an open space where there could be any number of enemies nearby. And I always hate how people can pick up stronger and stronger weapons because if you die, and have to use a shitty pistol while a guy is spamming rockets, you’re fucked unless you’re like a master at the game. But that ones more personal preference.

Become a “master” by yourself or play with friends who have the same skills like you… or play team-deathmatch. Problem solved. HL1DM was a perfectly thoughtout and balanced game and it shouldn’t get dumbed down by making each weapon equally powerful or giving players unfair spawn-protection.

HL2 DM is only good on low gravity servers.

Why is this thread still here?

More proof we are seriously low on original topics for these forums.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.