Top scientists gather in Dallas to dissect space, matter, time
One of the world’s most prestigious scientific conferences is happening at The University of Texas at Dallas and I get to attend one.
It takes place every two years and meets in different world wide locations. Recent meetings have taken place in Jerusalem, Florence and Melbourne. The meeting is known as the Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and as one of the speakers at the symposium said: “If you ask a person on the street, say, in Chicago, ‘What is Texas famous for?,’ they’ll say cowboys, or oil, or pickup trucks. But if you ask a physicist throughout the world, the thing they associate with Texas is relativistic astrophysics,”
More than 450 experts on gravity, black holes and the newly discovered Higgs boson — the subject of this year’s Nobel Prize in physics — will gather in Dallas to discuss the newest findings and most pressing mysteries in their fields.
Can’t wait!
P.S. (And no, my name isn’t Sheldon!)