Attached is the DMP file for the crash. Happens repeatedly on the map. The elevator can be located at:
map: bm_c1a2c at x = -976, y = -279, z=1831
Using the Beta Open Client. The last log messages are:
Bad SetLocalAngles(0.000000,0.000000,360004.500000) on c1a2a_rotating_fan1
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: ‘maps/bm_c1a3a.bsp’ is not a valid BSP file
NewPostProcess: ShutdownCustomRenderTargets Called
NewRenderer: ShutdownCustomRenderTargets Called
Dropped Crafter0800 (Le Potato) from server (Server shutting down)
Further investigation appears to show that this issue only occurs after entering the elevator, and is time based. (standing perfectly still after entering the elevator will still cause a crash)
As I cannot upload the DMP file directly to the forums - I have uploaded it to google drive and linked it here: