It’s normal, if you used dlls from ssdk 2007 (copied int0 \episodic\bin). And NPC’s missing in inbound scene is normal for this method too…
If you search for “*.res” (without “”) in the “BMS” folder, do you find the following files and do their filesize(s) and contents (see the Code boxes) match the ones of those below?
Note: Ignore the German gibberish (“RES-Datei” would translate to “RES-File” and “…\Programme…” would translate to “…\Programs…” or “…\Program Files…”)…
GameMenu.res ->
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame"
"command" "ResumeGame"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame"
"command" "OpenNewGameDialog"
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"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_LoadGame"
"command" "OpenLoadGameDialog"
"notmulti" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_SaveGame"
"command" "OpenSaveGameDialog"
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"OnlyInGame" "1"
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// "command" "OpenLoadSingleplayerCommentaryDialog"
// "notmulti" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Achievements"
"command" "OpenAchievementsDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Friends"
"command" "OpenFriendsDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
//"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
"command" "engine openblackmesaoptions"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
"command" "Quit"
ModOptionNotice.res ->
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"fieldName" "CModOptionNotice"
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ModOptionPanel.res ->
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OptionsSubBlackMesa.res ->
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"ControlName" "CCvarSlider"
"fieldName" "HudBloomSlider"
"xpos" "260"
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"cvar_name" "hud_bloomscale"
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[COLOR=’#FF0000’]IMPORTANT: Make sure to backup the existing files, if you choose to copy & paste the text from the Code boxes above!
It could be worth a try, but if it doesn’t work either, at least we can say that we tried. wink wink
EDIT (01:15 PM): If you’re using Notepad++, you can download and install this plugin, to make comparing the .res files easier on you: - NPP-Compare Plugin
Instructions on how to install it should be inside the downloaded archive.
How-To Compare Files:
To compare the files, simply hit “Ctrl + N” on your keyboard to open / create a new file inside Notepad++, then copy & paste the contents of the Code box you’d like to use for comparison into this newly created (empty) file.
Open the original file, as well.
Now right click one of the two (2) tabs (of the files you’d like to compare) and choose “Move to Other View”.
Lastly, click “Plugins” (on the top of Notepad++’ window) -> Compare -> Compare (Alt + D) or just hit “Alt + D” on your keyboard.
I downloaded BMS from gamefront and installed it
it works :freeman::freeman::freeman:
Hooray! /dance
At least one satisfied “customer”…
Oh, and have fun!
EDIT (13 : 31 PM):
If your game still crashes or isn’t working properly, try re-downloading and re-installing it from another mirror (i.e. GameFront, etc.)!
I’d like to get back to playing it myself now. I’ll check the thread every now and then, just to see if I can help anybody. Later, or something!
Try running SDK base 2007, run the performance test. See if that works.
I downloaded BMS from gamefront and installed it, but it not works.
Please help.
Note: I would’ve posted this earlier, but the servers were throwing up, again - so, here it is:
Could you specify your problem with a little more detail, as to how and why it does not work?
Like, is there an error message, or what exactly does it do or say?
Also, did you install “Source SDK Base 2007” from the Tools Menu of Steam’s Library?
I’m suspecting a number of these issues might be to do with corrupted downloads, but I can’t be sure. It’s over 3 Gigabytes, and given the way networks go, it’s not unreasonable to expect some people will get a few bytes off. We provide an MD5 hash sum along with the other two files to download, and you can verify it’s exactly as it should be with an MD5 tool like this:
You may have fewer problems if you’re downloading using bittorrent, which is generally able to check over the integrity of the file when it’s finished.
First of all, I’m sorry for my English.
I installed “Source SDK Base 2007”. I installed BMS. When the game starts, I saw the error: “could not load library client”. What did I do:
1.Restarted my computer and steam.
2.Reinstalled Steam and “Source SDK Base 2007”.
3.Downloaded BMS from different mirrors, including frontgame.
4. Used your .dll files, it helped, but lost the NPC.
All this does not work, I still see this error.
I will be very grateful to you for any help.
No need to excuse yourself, if English isn’t your first language, we’re on the same boat here (pretty much) and as long as I understand what you’re trying to tell, everything’s fine!
The “Source SDK Base 2007” (.dll) files I uploaded are outdated, the “NPCs Missing” issue has already been mentioned before, I’m sorry for that.
Please use the “Black Mesa” (.dll) files or the original ones (those you [hopefully] made a backup of, earlier).
Now, to your problem:
Have you tried the “solution” from my first post (the one with changing the “SteamAppId”'s back and forth)?
If you have and it still doesn’t work, I’ll try and find another solution, if I can come up with anything useful.
Until then,
- Jenova
Yes, I tried your “solution”. And here’s something interesting. I changed 218 to 215, restarted steam and started BMS, after that Steam updated BMS, but it didn’t help, then i changed 215 to 218, it didn’t help too. But reading the posts in this thread, I have not seen anything about updates. Strange, isn’t it?
Yes, I tried your “solution”. And here’s something interesting. I changed 218 to 215, restarted steam and started BMS, after that Steam updated BMS, but it didn’t help, then i changed 215 to 218, it didn’t help too. But reading the posts in this thread, I have not seen anything about updates. Strange, isn’t it?
from what i’ve seen changing from 218 to 215 makes the mod use not skd 2007, but sdk 2006, the thing you saw updating is probably sdk 2006.
I am still unable to play the game.
Strange, strange indeed…
Wait, I think I said that before, nevermind…
Problems are going to be rising their “heads”, once a piece of software is released to the public and many different Hardware and Software configurations are “tackling” the same game / software - it is inevitable, but needed in the process of creating a more final, stable game / software (if that didn’t sound too developer-ish (I think not snort)).
To your problem, again:
Did you read the “Engine Error: Could not Load Library Client” article on the Steam Support site?
Yes, I read it, and I did everything that is written there, but it still not work. I don’t know what to do.:[
To be quite honest: I don’t know either, been poking around in Google, to see if I can find anything, but nothing (maybe I’m just too tired right now)…
If the DEV-Team or anyone else hasn’t provided a solution until I get up, I’d like to “sign off” for today and get back into it, tomorrow.
Sorry it didn’t work, again. :[
EDIT (07 : 36 PM):
I am truly sorry, for not providing a solution that actually solves things, but I can barely keep my eyes open, as I’m reading this. :tired:
Let’s hope someone comes up with a more decent solution to this problem, in the near future.
Thank you very much for the effort.
It is, as I posted last night, all due to a corrupted 7z file. You SHOULD NOT be extracting this file before you install. JUST click on the setup file and install using ALL DEFAULT values. (default install directory)
If you tried re-downloading it and you still get this problem, then you unfortunately have another corrupted 7z, and you need to download again.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you only download the game using the following torrent location:
All not work I hope it not a bug with hardware…
Well, I just downloaded the game from another place, double hash-checked, 7zip-checked, then winmd5-checked - as before both files match the checksum in the md5 file, but i get the same error whet trying to launch. :’(