First off, i have to say a big thanks to the developers for implementing my suggestion for the variable reload timings. Combat is so much more fluid, and i dont find myself having to dip behind cover as often due to a botched reload. As for what im talking about, viewmodel fov, i found when launching the game, the command was not even there. For those who need an explanation, the viewmodel is the weapon you see in front of you as you shoot people, whether it be the smg, pistol or hivehand. When talking about fov, its the field of view of the viewmodel whether it is close to you or far from you.
As someone who plays team fortress 2 often and uses this command heavily, it allows me to choose the distance that the weapon is in front of me. Now it is down to personal preference, but some people like the weapon far away and unobtrusive so it doesn’t block most of the screen. I’m one of those persons. Im not saying that the way it is currently set up is bad, but this option would add another layer of customization to the game, like the weapon bob and sway commands, so i was hoping that it could get added to the game when suitable.