Carmageddon Reincarnation is in desperate need of our money via kickstarter!!!

Cops also follow you and attack you with police and special forces APC’s in carmageddon too.
Yet again you prove you don’t know the most basic things about carmageddon, yet you criticize it.
Aww and when you talk about red stains everywhere, do you even have the first clue what running over pedestrians in carmageddon is?
Obviously not.
I don’t know why I bother with you but here’s a video showing carmageddon 1 running over peds
This is not what I call red stains but think what you like about it, your opinion is not important to me.

Zombie Driver is a game made in 2009 and is a top down zombie killer with cars that inspires itself from carmageddon but is not really carmageddon in any way.
It doesn’t have any fun element found in carmageddon whatsoever.
There are many failed attempts at cloning carmageddon in games like armageddon riders or D.I.P.R.I.P, Clutch, tdr2000 but none come even close to the original.

Carmageddon 2 is probably the first game I really loved. Aaahh, the good old days…

And the cows do need even more stomachs, so take my money. Please.

Welcome to the club that’s reserved only for cool people that actually own a brain!

Funding another Duke Nukem Forever, this won’t end well…

I wasn’t saying it was for android, but I am making an android game to earn money, and I was implying that I would give funds that I earn to this project. :expressionless:

Sorry if I wasn’t clear.

Why is this a Duke Nukem Forever exactly?
The developers did not waste their money for 15 years and didn’t hype the game for 15 years either.
Can you stop being ignorant? I don’t think you can, silly me…

btw, good job making us all want to run you over with a muscle car full of spikes and saws.

Well sorry but you weren’t pretty clear, yeah .
Your post totally sounded like you were basing carmageddon reincarnation kickstarter for being an android game or something.
Not sure if you noticed but I’m meeting quite a bit of ignorance from puberty teens and kids around here.
If you are for this carmageddon cause then welcome to the club and my apologies for calling you fucked in the brain :smiley:

I see you are getting into the carmageddon spirit!
That’s good news!

Irony at its finest.

Oh, thanks for info, this is fantastic news!..or sad if they dont make the needed funds!

I never owned the original, I borrowed it from a friend and only played it a little, but what I did play was just ‘over the top’ fun!!! The moos’s wagging their tails and flicking shit everywhere when threatening to run them over was hilarious! …I would like to think I have grown up since then…but im pretty sure I haven’t :slight_smile:

Really hope they get what they need. After pay day I am 100% chucking some money their way!

Nice man, make sure you join the forums if you want to find more people with which you can share more common views.
This game is going to trample the justin bieber generation with all it’s tanks and APC’s if it’s needed and it will still get made, of that you can be sure!

By the way, for 15 bucks you get the entire game and it’s future dlc if you donate now.
After kickstarter ends, it will cost over 20 bucks to preorder the game so this is a chance to get it cheaper.
Sure it would be even better if you can donate more than 15 bucks but no matter how much you donate, if you donate more than a dollar you are awesome.
I don’t expect everybody to donate 150 buck or more like I did but as long as they at least donate 15 bucks so they can get the game both done and to own it at the same time then it’s cool.
If you donate at least 15 bucks your name will also be mentioned at the end credits of the game lol.

Well tbh most of the trolling and offensive posting is from 3Dwizzard.

He’s doing a great job of getting people to tihnk he’s a dick instead of politely trying to promote the game.

Have a medal.

Well I’m sorry if I offended somebody more than they initially offended me.
I’m just trying to promote this game and avoid trolls and insults the best I can.
But some insults are asking for it.

And this is why you are bad at the internet. Honest advice, learn to be more thick skinned.

Don’t know how long you’ve been using the nets but I’ve been using the nets since 1996 and I’ve been running forums and administrating them since 2000.
So I think I’m pretty thick skinned, I’m just getting tired after so many years of bullshit that’s all.

Yes, everyone with a different opinion to you has no brain. This must shelter you from a lot of the hard things in life. I imagine it is a rather effect coping mechanism for idiots.


Also, dude. You can’t go “lol just my opinion lololol” and then follow up with commanding people “If you want X, then Y”.

That’s not how that shit works.

Forget him man, he’s an obvious troll. Don’t bother with the obvious kid trolls, they just have puberty issues and they’re confused about the world that surrounds them.
Trolling everything that they perceive as being associated with older people is a necessity for them.
It’s their lame way of letting out steam and reducing their frustrations.

Feel free to imagine what ever you want but just don’t forget to breath “mate”.

I may be a fellow Carmageddon fan, but I’m not on your side.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.