Cannot decompile Surface Tension

Hey there,
I’m having a lot of trouble decompiling the “Cliffside” map of Surface Tension.
I use BSPSrc to decompile my maps, I’m using the latest version with the game set to Black Mesa.
When it decompiles, often when I open it up in Hammer it hangs. I’ve decompiled the “laser” part of Questionable Ethics and it works fine, albeit with some missing textures.
I left Hammer for 10 minutes on the hanged screen and it still did nothing. I had to force close it from Task Manager.

This is the output from BSPSRC.

[info] Loading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\vmex\cliffsidevista.bsp [warning] BspFileReader: Static prop struct size mismatch: expected 72, got 76 (using DStaticPropV10) [warning] BspFileReader: Falling back to static prop v4 [info] BSP version: 20 [info] Game: Black Mesa [info] Writing brushes and planes [info] Writing displacements [info] Writing entities [info] Writing func_details [info] Writing info_overlays [info] Writing prop_statics [info] Writing env_cubemaps [info] Writing func_ladders [info] Finished decompiling C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\vmex\cliffsidevista.bsp [info] Processed 1 file(s) in 10.3130 seconds
Note the lines with [warning].

I tried it with VMEX as well, but it produces a corrupt hammer file as the decompilation hangs. Here’s the output.

[code=‘vmex.log’]C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\vmex>java -jar Vmex.jar
Valve Map Extractor v0.98g - by Rof (
Reading C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Mesa\vmex\cliffsidevista.bsp
Ident: 1347633750
Version: 20
Lump 0: 34154556, 309621, 0, 0 Entities 309621 bytes
Lump 1: 1036, 390160, 0, 0 Planes 19508
Lump 2: 1239096, 5056, 0, 0 TexData 158
Lump 3: 733492, 197844, 0, 0 Vertexes 16487
Lump 4: 34121804, 32749, 0, 0 Visibility 32749 bytes
Lump 5: 931336, 81248, 0, 0 Nodes 2539
Lump 6: 1012584, 226512, 0, 0 TexInfo 3146
Lump 7: 23175532, 580496, 1, 0 Faces 10366
Lump 9: 34467992, 220, 2, 0 Occlusion 220 bytes
Lump 10: 391196, 84064, 1, 0 Leafs 1501
Lump 11: 24336524, 20732, 0, 0 -20732
Lump 12: 25154128, 168824, 0, 0 Edges 42206
Lump 13: 24863132, 290996, 0, 0 SurfEdges 72749
Lump 14: 25322952, 4176, 0, 0 Models 87
Lump 16: 24836684, 19452, 0, 0 LeafFaces 9726
Lump 17: 24856136, 6996, 0, 0 LeafBrushes 3498
Lump 18: 24695440, 15804, 0, 0 Brushes 1317
Lump 19: 24711244, 125440, 0, 0 BrushSides 15680
Lump 20: 25327128, 48, 0, 0 Areas 6
Lump 21: 25327176, 84, 0, 0 AreaPortals 7
Lump 26: 1244152, 352000, 0, 0 DispInfo 2000
Lump 27: 24357256, 338184, 0, 0 OriginalFaces 6039
Lump 29: 34481852, 39421399, 0, 0 PhysCollide 39421399 bytes
Lump 30: 73903252, 33132, 0, 0 VertNormals 2761
Lump 31: 73936384, 97050, 0, 0 VertNormalIndices 48525
Lump 33: 1596152, 4122400, 0, 0 DispVerts 206120
Lump 34: 22900056, 179593, 0, 0 DispLightmapSamplePositions 179593 bytes
Lump 35: 74038692, 334013, 0, 0 GameLump 334013 bytes
Lump 36: 34467980, 12, 0, 0 LeafWaterData 1
Lump 37: 23100384, 18940, 0, 0 Primatives 1894
Lump 39: 23119324, 56208, 0, 0 PrimIndicies 28104
Lump 40: 74372708, 8190701, 0, 0 PakFile 8190701 bytes
Lump 41: 34468216, 288, 0, 0 ClipPortalVerts 24
Lump 42: 34468504, 928, 0, 0 Cubemaps 58
Lump 43: 34469432, 6745, 0, 0 TexDataStringData 6745 bytes
Lump 44: 34476180, 632, 0, 0 TexDataStringTable 158
Lump 45: 34476812, 4928, 0, 0 Overlays 14
Lump 46: 74033436, 5254, 0, 0 LeafMinDistToWater 5254 bytes
Lump 47: 23079652, 20732, 0, 0 FaceMacroTextureInfo 20732 bytes
Lump 48: 5718552, 691904, 0, 0 DispTris 691904 bytes
Lump 51: 559324, 10508, 0, 0 XBLightMapPages -10508
Lump 52: 548816, 10508, 0, 0 XBLightMapPageInfos -10508
Lump 53: 25327260, 8794544, 1, 0 LightingHDR 8794544 bytes
Lump 54: 34464180, 3800, 1, 0 WorldlightsHDR 3800 bytes
Lump 55: 569832, 163660, 1, 0 LeafAmbientLightingHDR 163660 bytes
Lump 56: 475260, 73556, 1, 0 LeafAmbientLighting 73556 bytes
Lump 58: 23756028, 580496, 1, 0 FacesHDR -580496
Lump 59: 34468212, 4, 0, 0 MapFlags -4
Lump 60: 34481740, 112, 0, 0 -112
Lump 61: 6410456, 16489600, 0, 0 -16489600
MapRev: 1311
Vertexes 16487
Min/Max: (-14299.0, -14560.0, -10176.0) - (11048.0, 11032.0, 9383.0)
Edges 42206
Faces 10366
Orig faces 6039
Models 87
Surfedges 72749
Texinfo 3146
Texdata 158
Texdata string data
Texdata string table 158
Entities 1250
4 game lumps:
sprp 0 10
dprp 0 4
dplt 0 0
dplh 0 0

Prop_statics 510
Cubemaps 58
Planes 19508
Brushes 1317
Brushsides 15680
Dispinfo 2000
Dispverts 206120
Disptris 691904
Nodes 2539
Leaves 2627
Leaf faces 9726
Leaf brushes 3498
Overlays 14
Fixing envmapped texture names

Writing cliffsidevista_d.vmf
Decompiling via brushes and planes
Assigning brushes to models

Largest worldbrush: 1191
Calculating lightmap resolutions






…java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 17408[/code]
I shortened the dots because they spammed the log. There were some ! signs inside the …s. (Full log is here:

If anyone could help me with this please assist. I really want to decompile this map.

Bumping because of no replies.

Look in your bms directory. There’s a folder called mapsrc (common\Black Mesa\bms\mapsrc). That has all the SP VMFs.

Actually, no. There’s no folder called that. I did a search for *.VMF files in my BMS directory - and found none. Am I doing something wrong?

WAIT- I found it by opting in to the public beta. Nevermind.

Wait, I’m stupid.
You’ll need to switch your BM version to the public Beta branch. After that, if you want to revert back, you can copy the VMFs and revert.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.