can team black mesa to complete opposing force 2

as we know, the mod opposing force 2 has been abandoned, but the guys have released all of they works.
The black mesa team can complete this mod? as it will be the connection between HL 1 e HL 2?
sorry my bad english.


Dude, the team has like a half of a game to finish.
And by finish I mean make from nothing pixel by pixel, polygon by polygon.
It’s not a job for a week or two.

Basically, what zerniz0 said: if you want for it to be done, do it yourself.


i think black mesa should make my dreams move to realise the mod

Okay but stay quiet :wink:


maybe i’ll make opposing force 2 myself and then not release it, how do you feel about that huh?

Opposing Force 2: The tale of a US Marine stuck on a helicopter in the middle of the void.
Enjoy exciting gameplay of scraping moss off the hull of your Osprey for protein and using your fatigues to filter urine into something somewhat drinkable!

A walking simulation it is!

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.