I used to know how to write Chinese, but due to the lack of usage in life. My chinese writing skill got rusty.
Isn’t English the best[/SIZE]?
English is the garbage can of languages.
It’s like the quirkiest and least consistent language out of nearly all of the ones in widespread use for no reason other than the fact that it was combined from lots of bits of the major languages that have existed in the past few millennia or so.
Heh. My Chinese reading and writing skills are almost nonexistent. I can understand spoken Cantonese though.
A reason English spread so much is because it’s so easy, too.
I love English. It has many words to play around with.
That’s exactly why it’s so damn flexible and hilarious though.
It also has the capacity to be really specific or really ambiguous, which is more than I can say for Spanish.
One of the things I hate about english is how sometimes they use the same word for similar concepts, like corner and some other example I can’t recall now.
I think the other word you’re looking for is “corner” and “wall butt”
The same can be said for every language.
wall butt?
(see how english comes full circle)
I like how in an English-to-other-language dictionary, the English side tends to be at least twice as large. :3
The only way to learn English is reading. I went to an institute for learning it, but didn’t learn anything until I started surfing the Internet in English. And listening to music in English(singing also) helped me with the pronounciation. But I didn’t learn anything in the institute(with the excepcion of some basic concepts when I was a kid and didn’t know anything about the language). Everything else, I learned it here. But my classmates from the institute didn’t, so they got the diploma and all the crap but they still don’t know how to speak in English.
Generally, applying something can really help with learning it.
Yeah, the reason you know English better than you classmates probably has nothing to do with the class its just you are exposed to it more.
So basically I can speak three language based on the country and the race I born which is pretty impressive?
English, Chinese and Malay.
I speak three languages too.
Big deal.
Love ya, Fong.