[BUG REPORT] printme's thread for bugs & suggestions

Hi all!

Seeing my reported bugs fixed got me hyped, so here are some more, still from the first version, but I didn’t see them in the release notes for 0.0.2. A bunch of them are nitpicky, minor things, but AFAIK the dev team tends to be perfectionist, so here I go. :slight_smile:

1)[/size] I was able to close the doors next to the rocket, and run back into the rocket area, trapping myself, but I was able to jump around on the edges of things to get to the point pictured on the screenshot. I thought I was stuck behind this ladder, but using it from this side moved me through to the other side. I don’t know if this also counts as a glitch.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c2a2b at: 2100 x, -234 y, 593 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 1363 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setang 22.395763 136.129745 0.000000
setpos 2100.031250 -234.924454 593.031250;

You can also get stuck in these doors if you activate the button while standing inside them.

2)[/size] I was able to break the classic “jump on the top of the crate with the shotgun shells, and it breaks and vortigaunts spawn” setpiece(?). You can use the pallet under the tall crate to knock it to its side, then it you gently touch the top, the crate still breaks and the vortigaunts spawn. Obviously there is a trigger on the top of the crate which still gets triggered. It should get disabled maybe if the crate is knocked over? Or the physics should be disabled on the crate so it can’t be knocked over?

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
map : bm_c2a3b at: -3 x, 22 y, 0 z
edicts : 945 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos -3.908457 22.787035 0.031250;setang 15.990696 -40.104343 0.000000

3)[/size] In the freezer the HUD displays a small fire icon, when in the original game I pretty sure it used to be a snowflake icon.

[font=‘Consolas, Courier New, Courier, monospace’]] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c2a3b at: 3872 x, -80 y, 249 z

11 “print” STEAM_ID_PENDING 00:14 16 0 active loopback

players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 890 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos 3872.158691 -80.047813 249.031250;setang 6.658744 18.532135 0.520034[/font]

4)[/size] It is possible to murder the assassin lady before she murders the security guard, but the guard still dies. I did it using a hand grenade, and timing it so it would explode next to the assassin lady, but before she would come in line of sight.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c2a3c at: -1949 x, -1589 y, 488 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 799 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos -1949.160400 -1589.906738 488.031250;setang 13.392540 38.421139 0.000000

Let’s think about what’s happening in the current version: The player enters the elevator, the guard can hear it coming and is just standing there, calmy waiting, knowing that he is in imminent danger.

What if instead of just waiting, the guard “hears” the elevator starting, runs up to it, leans into the shaft, and starts shouting something like: “HEY GORDON!! UP HERE!! Finally someone came through here, everyone else got killed. I’m supposed to tell you this: 'don’t–” and he gets killed, while the player is still moving up in the elevator. This way the player has no way of seeing who kills him (like in the original), the NPC feels more like a real person and the whole sequence is a bit more shocking/surprising. For bonus points you could make his body fall into the elevator shaft, on top of the elevator, or the player. (I don’t remember if the elevator has metal bars on top or not.) This would add to the black humour, the theme of disregarding OSHA regulations and the theme of people falling into elevator shafts.[/size][/size]

5)[/size] You can see the soldiers waiting to ambush you through the spaces between these crates. I shot at them, and even threw a grenade over the crates, but it had no effect. Maybe the simplest fix would be to just move the ambush trigger forward, so it starts as soon as the player steps through the door.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
map : bm_c2a3c at: -4243 x, -45 y, 488 z
edicts : 784 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos -4243.799805 -45.031250 488.031250;setang -2.513586 84.980309 0.000000

6)[/size] SEEMS FIXED[/size] You probably already know about this, but the cinematic physics (as Valve calls this AFAIK) in the trash compactor could use some work. In the picture I captured a small floating piece of debris, which got stuck in the original simulation somehow, but there were more. Also, during the crushing the pieces were jittering like crazy. Maybe increase the softness of the crate material a bit? (I’m mot an expert I just know that basically the thing is simulated offline in Maya or whatever, stored as an animated model and placed in the map.)

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c2a4a at: -2764 x, 192 y, 946 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 863 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setang -61.181660 -153.978470 0.000000
setpos -2764.000000 192.000000 946.156250;

7)[/size] At the dam in surface tension, I shot the chopper with the Gauss gun until it left, before walking onto the dam. At this point there were no enemies, but when I approached the tower, the path to it crumbled. I think the chopper is still supposed to be there at point, shooting at you, making it seem like he’s destroying the path. I was playing on easy, maybe the chopper is supposed to have more health, and the player is supposed to get to the tower, and get the gauss ammo from there to be able to finish it off?

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c2a5a at: -3703 x, -646 y, 1343 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 709 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setang 16.338802 -165.389267 0.000000
setpos -3703.926514 -646.128967 1343.031250;

8) [/size]After you get flushed through the dam, there is az underwater shader overlay on the screen for some reason, even when above water. It was like the point to detemine whether the player is underwater or not was at the player’s feet and not at the head.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c2a5a at: 4845 x, 105 y, -2479 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 716 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos 4845.803223 105.947411 -2479.968750;setang -2.077963 -173.385422 0.000000

9)[/size] The conveyor belt physics are weird. (You probably know about this.) A physobject will keep its orientation when reaching a sloped conveyor belt, and will settle slowly.

Also, at the end of this conveyor belt, the texture is mislaligned, and the faces are not in the same smoothing group:

(I’m not sure these are the correct coords for this.)
] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
map : bm_c2a4b at: -984 x, -94 y, 734 z
edicts : 1106 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos -984.031250 -94.379883 734.031250;setang 23.394825 -58.493507 0.000000

10) [/size]In Surface Tension it’s pretty obvious where the cliffside ends and the (absolutely gorgeous) skybox begins. (Again, you probably know about this.)

11) SEEMS FIXED [/size]The airstrike screen was glitched for me, the cursor was stuck in the upper left corner, and when I was moving the crosshair, it was flickering between it and the upper left corner. It was hard to take a screenshot of this, I was surprised I was able to capture one where the cursor is partly visible in both locations. I thought it was drawing it in the correct position only in the frames when the crosshair was moving, and in the corner in the other frames, but obviously I was wrong.
Also in this screenshot it looks like the coordinates of the cursor and half of the laser dot are the same, but x and y are flipped.

12)[/size] Visible nodraw. I was able to get up here intentionally by walking into the barnacle left of the top center of the image, and killing it when at the top. There is a suit battery up here, so I guess it was originally intended to be accessible, or maybe a level designer didn’t realize that it wasn’t when placing items?

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c3a2e at: 360 x, 1664 y, 1254 z
edicts : 768 used of 2048 max
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
] getpos
setpos 360.519714 1664.031250 1254.031250;setang 36.730026 72.429611 0.000000

13)[/size] This barnacle is positioned so as it’s pulling the player upwards, the player gets stuck on this beam, and is just waiting in place as the barnacle is slurping away at the top.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c3a2d at: 478 x, 1085 y, 729 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 885 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos 478.137299 1085.630981 729.031250;setang -89.000000 -174.513657 0.000000

14)[/size] It’s cool that you can throw physics objects in the teleport balls, but it seems like the teleport balls set the position and orientation to a fixed value (I’m guessing so the player doesn’t get disoriented), which causes physics objects to get placed in each other on the floor.

15)[/size] SEEMS FIXED[/size] In the final teleport room, some of the equipment has lighting errors. My guess is that these are dynamic model entities with multiple textures, and each texture has a different lighting baked into it, and some pieces were set to the wrong texture to start with.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c3a2h at: 669 x, 20 y, 64 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)

userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state adr

edicts : 1355 used of 2048 max

9 “print” STEAM_ID_PENDING 06:28 16 0 active loopback

] getpos
setpos 669.088501 20.642300 64.031250;setang -2.174380 -77.385742 0.000000

16)[/size] Here are some instances of “not the same smoothing group” or “forgot to make some edges soft on a mesh”:

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
map : bm_c2a4c at: -547 x, -739 y, 327 z
edicts : 1079 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos -547.968750 -739.396118 327.531250;setang 62.663879 168.935471 0.268680

This is from the room with the giant wallmelting laser, forgot the coords, sorry.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c3a1b at: -1660 x, 648 y, -1335 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 1136 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos -1660.000000 648.000000 -1335.218750;setang 29.601616 121.670494 0.000000

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c3a2c at: 1523 x, 1416 y, 37 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 1023 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setang 33.364094 104.713318 0.153116
setpos 1523.070923 1416.141602 37.048321;

Hope I found some new ones! Please feel free to give feedback on my suggestions! Thanks for reading!

Great feedback :slight_smile:

Hopefully, the devs will look into all of these issues / bugs you reported and fix them.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I updated 7) with coords + a screenshot. Here are some more:

17)[/size] After you leave the lab in questionable ethics, one scientist is supposed to run ahead and get shot. I was able to run in the load zone before him, and leave him behind. The sequence didn’t play without the scientist, but there were a few scripted shots anyways, coming from nowhere, shooting at where the scientist is supposed to be. You can see in the screenshot that the scientists ragdoll is not there where he is supposed to get shot.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c2a4h at: 2439 x, -2342 y, -207 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 485 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setang 37.397755 -118.443550 0.000000
setpos 2439.968750 -2342.204346 -207.968750;

18)[/size] Lighting error on this pipe.

] status
hostname: Black Mesa
version : 100001/24 100001 insecure
map : bm_c1a4c at: -2147 x, 426 y, 1408 z
players : 1 humans, 0 bots (1 max)
edicts : 987 used of 2048 max
] getpos
setpos -2147.909668 426.642975 1408.031250;setang 15.605609 -160.759720 0.000000

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.