Hey guys!
I started playing around with AI scripting in BMS a few days ago. These little experiments evolved into a brand new game mode! It’s been through a number of revisions, and I now feel it’s ready for a public release.
The basic idea is that you defend yourself against 10 waves of enemies (hgrunts, agrunts, aslaves, etc) while also protecting an objective. For each wave you defeat, you’re given a battery inside your spawn.
The battery is used to unlock features of the map (health\suit chargers, sentry turrets and weapon crates) by placing it in empty battery containers around the map (signified by a grey box).
The map is just dev textured, but the map is more about the gameplay concept than it is about the art.
NOTE: Play with sv_cheats set to 1, there’s a little surprise after each wave.
LINK: https://www.gamefront.com/files/22729664/defense.zip