I’d like to make it clear beforehand that, yes, quite a bit of what I’ve done here was inspired by either .RK’s OaR Loop Mod or Text’s OaRU. I started working on this as a way to familiarize myself with single-player mapping in Hammer more than anything else. If it turns out to be somewhat decent (by my ridiculously high self-standards), I might release it. I dunno yet. Anyways!
Like OaR Loop Mod, this area is just up past the Houndeyes in Black Mesa’s stock bm_c2a2a. The changes I’ve made to c2a2a work in pretty much the same way as Loop Mod - the branch near the beginning is set to take the player up by the Houndeyes, there’s a track control room down this way to switch it, etc.
The pipe overpass room itself. Full credit for the pipes and pipe machine to the BM devs, since I just found it hiding in a visgroup in the .vmf
It’s not really visible here, but there’s a hallway looking over the room on the wall behind the player. Here’s an older screenshot of it:
Looking into the security office from the windows overlooking the track. They haven’t been having a very good day.
On that note, to avoid making a topic for every single damn question I have, question… do the compile tools for Black Mesa 2015 work correctly with Instances? I’m trying to use instances right now to make some of the more tedious lighting work on the map a bit easier and I’ve tried using instances in the past to avoid the headache of using prefabs or doing a huge amount of manual labour, but for some reason I just can’t seem to get them to work properly.
A screenshot to help explain:
What I’ve tried doing is creating an instance with the 90-degree rail curves and appropriate info_lighting entities, so instead of copy-paste-renaming every single time, I can just drop an instance in, provide a fixup name, and continue on. The thing is - and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, assuming it’s an issue on my end - the fixup names aren’t working. What you see above is what happened after I turned one of the rails into a dynamic prop and gave it a name, then tried firing an input to it in-game.
There aren’t any entities with the fixup names applied, just the root entity name from the instance itself, and firing an input to it (e.g. SetModelScale, as I’ve done here) applies the results to all the dynamic props in all the different… well, instances, of this instance.
Truthfully, I haven’t tried using instances in either Portal 2 or Left 4 Dead 2’s versions of Hammer, so I don’t know if I’m just screwing something up here, but as far as I can tell (from both what the VDC says and from the instance entities that are available in BM Hammer) my setup should work fine.