Black Mesa interviews...

I thought It’d be a nice feature to have all the interviews and media coverage pertaining to Black Mesa in one place. And it might be fun to read through some of the older interviews as well :slight_smile:

It’s nothing special, but it might be handy to have them all in one place.…amp;union_id=55 June 11, 2005 August 6, 2005 March 20, 2006 September 12, 2006 July 23, 2007 December 26, 2008 January 2009 January 2009 February 2, 2009 February 16, 2009 February 17, 2009 April 2009,is-black-mesa-the-ultimate-half-life-2-mod.aspx August 31, 2010

Magazine scans:

On sale 13 January 2010;

This one is a PDF from natedgreat’s website, I hope it’s alright to link to it?

Link to Catzeyes93’ website with LOTS of pics pertaining to Black Mesa’s development:

If anyone still has some great Black Mesa interviews or magazine scans please post them here or PM me so I can put them in the first post.

Enjoy :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I’ll continue to update the list as I find more interviews.

Wow, great work! Thank you :slight_smile:

Awesome stuff! I’ve been trying to track down some of these interviews for a while. It’s kind of interesting to look back on some of the things mentioned in these interviews and see some of the changes in design direction since then.

I think Catz has some of the magazine scans on her website if I remember correctly?

ayup. I have some of the media clips/pics on my site, but this compile is awesome too. Thanks for putting that together for us GREIVOUS!

I spelled it right! =-D

Catz why not post some links to your archived interviews in here?

Except you didn’t :expressionless:

Anyway, I checked your site and I couldn’t find the magazine scans I mentioned before. Maybe you have them but just not on the site?

They were in a separate media section (called Media Coverage/Exposure or something) on one of the first versions of the Black Mesa website, and they weren’t from websites but rather magazine scans that made mention of the mod. I’ve been looking all over the place (even but couldn’t find them.

It would be great if anyone could post them here.

PS (Thanks for stickying this)

I agree with Raw_Bean, Catz; you should post what you have too so we have a larger section to enjoy.
I spent last night before I went off to sleep reading all the text articles. Very fun :]
Especially got a laugh out of the predicted “q4 2006 / early 2007” release date. ;]

I also found a thread in the CS Nation forums about posting questions for an upcoming interview with the BMS team, but it’s almost a year old and I can’t find the actual interview. Did this even taken place?

BAH!!! :bangs head on her desk:


Update made:

Who translated the GameStar article (the German magazine) back then? I think I still have that issue here at home (in case someone wants the original)

This list is awesome, Lord Grievous. However, could you put edit in the date for each interview? That would help others view the list and decide if they’ve already read the article. :slight_smile:

It would also help with the images and percentage completion in the articles, so that people have an idea of progress that has been made since those articles

But great job! i got a kick out of reading these! :slight_smile:

Thanks, I put up a link to your site in my post, and I’m only putting up some of the big magazine scans with screenshots, not the little ones with just a wee bit of text.

Done and done :slight_smile:


Anyone have an answer to this?

I got nuthin Grievous

I guess it didn’t take place :frowning:

Ah well, you should just go email another gaming site, petitioning them to interview the team, in order to appease your empty feeling about this lost one.

Thanks for this mate! It’s a great read and a brilliant “Start Point” for those interested in the Mods developement over the last few years.

Ah, sorry, I think my sarcasm was too subtle D:

What! Sarcasm on the Black Mesa forums :what:

It more likely than you think.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.