That looks really cool! Do you know if it effects the maps? Like, would it work with some sort of custom mappack?
Well, it’s released! hahah
Would be awesome if he does add in support for BM though. I’m currently downloading Half Life VR and I’ll see how it goes!
I think he’s referring to when the source code is released. LOL.
However, I hope he does BM as well. I know I’ll be getting a consumer Rift, should it not flop. And if this mod goes well enough, I may pick up a hydra, or something similar.
You guys might want to wait until sixense, who made the hydra, release their next product the STEM. It is basically a wireless version of the hydra, with full body tracking support, force-feedback haptics and overall improvements.
That looks amazing! …and expensive.
Am I the only one who isn’t all that interested in full body tracking? I mean, I actually prefer sitting in a seat while playing FPS… not standing and pointing a toy gun to pretend I’m shooting something.
I must be weird.
Oh wait…
Well, to me, it seems strange that someone would want a Rift, but not want a gun to actually shoot things. It’s like, if it works, than why not add that extra level of immersion?
I’m pumped to play from BM all the way through Episode 2 actually BEING Gordon, and not just controlling him with a keyboard and mouse.
Sure, it looks stupid to watch someone do it, but I imagine being inside is incredible.
In the video the guy posted, even having the flashlight disconnected from the way the player is facing makes it look SO much cooler. It shows off the “fancy” dynamic lighting effect well, also.
I dunno, maybe I’m the weird one.
Allow me to complete the VR setup, and explain why you’d want full body tracking. The Virtuix Omni, if you hadn’t heard of it, is basically a 360 degree treadmill that, paired with a rift and controllers such as the STEM, (although a normal gamepad can be used as well) allows you to physically move and run around in an FPS game. If you put all these things together with the BM/HL2/EPS VR mod, it could be the greatest virtual reality experience ever. I would love to buy them all, but it’ll be about a thousand dollars for the full set, and I’d want heavy duty headphones too. This Omni also isn’t perfect, but it’ll be the best thing availible to the consumer for a while. But these companies, Oculus, Sixense, and Virtuix are all working together, holding hands, jacking each other off. I’m very glad about that, because in order for VR to work properly, people need to work together on this.
Really looking forward to 2026, when I can transport myself into the game TRON-style. Until then, looks like Rift/STEM/Omni is the best setup for physically running and jumping around Black Mesa, and being Gordon rather than playing as him.
The Omni:
Well, looking at your avatar, I’d say you’d want a holodeck-like experience, and I would love that kind of experience too! So I do understand… maybe I need to get out of the whole ‘sit down while playing games’ mindset.