Black Mesa Hardcore

This mod modifies the original levels Black Mesa. It extends and complements them. It makes difficult the passing game

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From which part of Black mesa is this?Also what is the plot of this mod?

All right!

I’d first just like to say that I was very impressed by this mod and would really like to see it continue. I can’t really speak for the increased difficulty (being kind of an incompetent player, I cheated through the whole thing), but I really like the darker atmosphere and exploring the side areas.

What really impressed me was they way you handled NPCs- canonical Black Mesa is very rigid in that there are very few friendly NPCs who aren’t involved in a short scripted sequence that ends in their death, and having more scientists and security guards who are both savable and capable of following you really makes it seem like the facility is actually populated by human beings reacting to the disaster.

Now, this is a big mod and I went over it in fairly fine detail, so I’ll be making remarks on just one map at a time over the next several days or weeks. First is bm_Xc1a1a:

Why would one of the scientists write “DIE FREEMAN” right after the disaster? I think using the “247” decal would be more appropriate here, since those retinal scanners appear to have a keypad input and that could be an override code (explaining how Freeman is able to get the door open).

This guard has a weird behavior where he doesn’t even turn to look at the player. Is he a generic_actor or has some kind of special flag set to make him do that? It’s kind of creepy.

There’s still an invisible wall along the railing up here, preventing the player from jumping down and forcing them to crawl over the rubble every time- since I made several cycles through the portal area, taking this route every time to return to the entry portal got very frustrating. The ladder leading up also lacks a dismount at the top- it’s not game-breaking, but it is annoying to have to press ‘e’ every time at the top.

This “working” scientist needs to be moved up slightly, since she is not actually touching any of the controls in her animation.

Overall I like the floor in here, but these rubber trim textures need to be beveled properly where they intersect.

I think you’re overusing these “generator room” signs. Maybe not necessarily here, but in other areas you may want to replace them with something different.

This sign is also a bit strange. I’d suggest using a glowing red panel like the one across from it- that prop has a skin that says “control room” too, and that way the doors would be consistent with each other.

The ends of the vent don’t properly meet up with the walls, and I don’t think that metal support strut texture is used in Black Mesa- look into replacing it.

The electrical box isn’t flush with the wall, and more importantly that concrete thing the pipes go into looks very cheap- I’d suggest either redoing it with a proper trim and a top texture that lines up properly, or getting rid of it entirely and having the pipes go into a grate or hole in the floor.

I don’t know quite what this thing is supposed to be, but it isn’t rendering properly.

These hazard marks appear to be brushes, and they’re oriented strangely. I’d suggest replacing them with overlays.

I was able to prod and bully this guard out from behind his desk, but he won’t just naturally follow the player out there on his own. I’d suggest either disabling his follow entirely, or putting a node in the space between the wall and the desk so that he can walk out naturally.

I will congratulate you on that surprise Vortigaunt, though.

All of these labs are looking rather sparse- the real ones are always filled with equipment. That, and the labs in canon BM always use blue chairs and not green.

All or most of the doors have to be run into in order to get them to open- look into adding trigger_multiples like the canon maps.
Also, there’s no texture trim between the two floor types.
Also, that white tile with rectangular grooves is pretty much only a Lambda Core texture- Anomalous Materials uses the green dotted floor.

Not quite correct tiling on the ceiling in here.

I was actually able to get both NPCs to wander into the portal after me (well, technically in front of me), and sure enough they ended up in here. The problem is, they can’t get down from the cabinet. Either provide an npc_clip ramp so that they can climb down, or just put an npc_clip box around the portal to prevent them from going in to begin with.

Thanks for the tip. I need to see where I was wrong. What would fix it. I showed earlier events to their audiences. But they did not find the bugs that you find. I am sad that I have laid out a modification with many problems. But this is not the end, I will modify the product.

The scientist wrote so because I thought that due to Freeman he dies. He curses him. But your idea is also very good.

I’ve got a lot less to say about bm_Xc1a1b because it’s generally in better condition:

I had a weird issue the first time I played this map where the bullsquid would run into a physics prop and immediately die, but I couldn’t reproduce it.

Having a zombie (created by a headcrab infecting a human) come out of a Xen portal kind of doesn’t make a lot of sense. I’m not sure if this was something you added or that existed in Black Mesa originally, but either way it should probably just be a zombie that was already there.

Now that the player has firearms, it’s possible to save the scientist in the conference room, but doing this will cause him (and his chair) to teleport to the middle of the table. Instead of trying to alter the scene (which I know can be a pain), you could always just make the glass bulletproof.

It’s not confined to this map, but just in general I’m seeing areas with named lights where the static props are lit improperly. This is actually a preexisting Black Mesa or Source Engine bug, and can be fixed by making the props in question prop_physics_override and setting their “Motion Enabled” flag to “on”.

Additionally, it seems the map you uploaded has no cubemaps (shiny textures)- this can be caused by renaming your maps after making the cubemaps, or by putting the wrong map files in the workshop- to do it properly, you need to rename the bsp files before building cubemaps, not after, and publish the bsp files that were dropped in your “maps” folder, not the ones wherever you compiled.

Black Mesa Hardcore #1
Black Mesa Hardcore #2
Black Mesa Hardcore #3

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.