Black Mesa Animation Revamp Project(by IIopn)

He plan on revamp all the weapon in Black Mesa.

Of course I have his permission to post it here.

.357 Revolver:


They look too flashy for my taste. Definitely nice looking, and less robotic, but still too flashy.

^ The only thing I don’t like in the original is the useless kick at the end, once the clip is in, it should be ready to go, no more jerking around.

I like the original stuff, but I do feel that some of the animations are a bit robotic, and I don’t like how simple the HEV suit arm is, even though this one definitely is a little too flashy, the HEV arm looks excellent.

even better animations? me likes

Love the mp5 animation, much more realistic than the current one in BM.

(Considering the charging handle moved in BM’s reload, I think the MP5 used to have a slap animation for the reload like this new anim, but it was cut for balancing.)

I want this guy to do the crowbar. The BMS crowbar is just kinda there, animation-wise

YES. If he can do a crowbar swing that doesn’t just look like a metal rod pivoting then I’d use it if he released it.

And let’s not forget the goddamn pistol, huh?

But the Glock’s anims looked and felt nice enough already!

Yeah the pistol was almost perfect, just a bit too far to the right but that’s the positioning, not the anims themselves.

If there was one thing I didn’t like about the pistol’s anims it’s that the grip was teacupping the thing. It should have been in a firm Weaver stance two handed grip.

But that’s just me and my realism schtick.

One thing I didn’t understand with BM was why the hands themselves looked really good but the HEV arms looked so…meh, and most of the animations seem designed to hide the arms instead of show them off.

Possible we can use the right mouse button of the mouse aswel for the crowbar?

Just another swing:

so the first one is a fast one, second one is a hard one.

And we can make a combo when we press a fiew times the left mouse button (the fast swing) and then finish it with the right mouse button (the hard knock)

Don’t worry, he will do all the animation for the weapons.

Looks pretty good. I wonder if he’ll fix up the Vort animations as well.

Idunno, I just thought the glock anims were choppy.

Why would you want that, though? The crowbar is primarily for opening crates and dispatching headcrabs. Actual weapons are much more practical for everything else. Quick swings (that already do decent damage) are more than enough for what they’re used for. Actual combat is left to the guns. No one’s gonna run up to a soldier with a crowbar when they have a gun. And if they run out of ammo (which is unlikely) than a swing with greater damage just reduces the challenge.

Who was it that suggested the other combat idle animations (if I remember correctly, that is) to be used? Was anything on that ever done?

I’m trying to find the thread, not sure who it was. They were going to replace the default Vort idle and the run animation to make them appear more threatening and hostile. I’ll keeping having a poke around.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.