Bhop, strafes as they were (MP and SP)

guess you must be a world of warcraft nolife…

Yeah, well, good thing this mod is not being made just for you.

Wait, made by professionals? Semi-professionals at best. The majority of the dev team is composed of talented amateur game designers who work on the mod on their spare time, using their own resources and money, if needed.

They’re not doing anyone a favor by making this mod, at best they’re making themselves a favor by increasing the chances of being hired by actual game studios.

The aim of this mod is to remake HL1 as if Valve itself was making it for the first time today, with today’s technology and design philosophy. The behavior, quirks and gameplay of HL1 and its engine were a byproduct of the now outdated technology it was made with but they no longer have a place in today’s game design, not even Valve tried to completely emulate the gameplay physics of TFC in TF2, so it makes sense that a remake of HL1 made with modern technology and design philosophy will also have modern gameplay physics.

If you want a completely faithful remake of HL1 in the Source engine that replicates its gameplay behavior to the last bug and exploit, then your best chance is to make it yourself.

Don’t… ever… accuse me of playing WoW.

I actually play a ton of different stuff, I’ve just never thought Deathmatch was all that fun. I take my multiplayer L4D2- and occasionally TF2-flavored, although that game’s turning into a huge clusterfuck.

“Good game is ruined by being old”, you sound like a Call of Duty fan, tbh.

Not bunnyhopping is gonna be fun for me. Problem?

Heartbreaking. Here’s a tissue.

Monarch if you want a fast game focused on movement ability try Fortress Forever @
You need source sdk base 2006: its essentially a TFC remake with some twists :slight_smile:

[b][FONT=‘Arial Black’][COLOR=‘Red’]XONOTIC





They’re all free. They’re all good. They all feature bhopping… In fact, they REQUIRE it. Have fun. If you want a more half life/ counter strike ish game, go for Urban terror. It’s a brother project to Sauerbraten.

Bunny hopping just kills the believability. Imagine the soldiers or Alyx bunny hopping. I’m not talking player skins, I mean the NPCs are walking around, talking then start randomly bounding up & down like they’re jumping invisible hurdles which makes them faster for no reason other than “It’s just a videogame” or “the physics are shit”.

It seems like the antithesis to what Valve had been striving for.

Who said anything about the singleplayer campaign?

lol no, you’re too much of a nub

Yea fine… I know that. They are not “professionals”. They are atleast more professional than most HL1-Fans out here…
Some people might not like bhop… but I know many, many people who love bhop in HLDM… In HL1DM and also in HL2DM. Even CSS has a server command for enabling bhop, because a lot of people complained about valve patching it out of the game. Bhop adds more depth to the game… You can play Bhop-maps, climb faster, dodge better…
Why not put such a command into BMDM? I don’t understand the problem here.
I just think HLDM is way more balanced and smooth with bhop enabled.
On stalkyard for example… Bhoping from crate to crate in that storage-hall… Just so much more fun than making single jumps…
Or when your enemy has the weapon- advantage and you just spawn near him - You still have a chance to successfully flee from him.
You still have to move smart and fast. Without bhop fleeing is really hard. I don’t think making the movement-speed any quicker would result in a better gameplay-experience since strafe-dodging will be too extreme. Gamespeed in vanilla HL1DM is just perfect but it wouldn’t be the same without bhop.

All you need for a perfect BMDM movement are the following things:

  • circlejump (already is in HL2DM)

  • same jumphights like in HL1DM
    (you can jump on 64x64x64 sized crates by using the longjump, you can get up on 32x32x32 crates with a normal jump or russian-dance (fast doubleclick on crouch-key, while walking against the crate), you can get up 48x48x48 crates by pressing the crouch-key at the highest point of your normal jump)

  • acceleration by air-strafing / using air-control (already is in HL2DM)

  • command for enabling bhop and a bhop- key in keyboard- settings (hold space to automaticly bhop)

Sure… These things may need some tweaking since HL2DM jumphight is less than HL1DM’s jumphight… But it will surely be worth it. It’s not needed for SP mode but for MP it’s a must.
Please think about it.

Oh ok, I just assumed the point of the game was to win matches by getting the most kills, not to jump around like a retarded kangaroo in hopes of getting more than a thousand hits on your next dubstep filled ultra pro skillz youtube video.

The Black Mesa Multiplayer is not the same, and will not be the same, as Half-life Multiplayer. They’re not going to change it just because you’re being a whiny bitch and don’t like this kind of game.
If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It’s that simple.

I already posted five fucking solutions to this issue… Why are you people still talking about it?




Judging by what I’ve seen in these pro-vids on YouTube where everyone uses bunnyhop it is pretty unfair to other players who don’t have the time to learn bunnyhop as the pro players just jump around so normal players never even get the chance of hitting them at least once.


Oh, hey


Come hungry, leave happy.

well i dont know about everyone else but i would laugh at a bunny hopper as i blew his face off with a shotgun as he flew towards me, i wouldnt complain if people were doing it in the dm because they’re not really that hard to hit and the range of the shotguns from css were good enough to kill any bunny hopper :smiley: i’ll happily face off with any bunny hopper here that thinks they could beat me

Oh, look. It’s the sheriff!

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.