Bhop, strafes as they were (MP and SP)

or palzantly sorpressed.

i didnt say simple
you should tell that 7 years ago, and now i finally wont wait it anymore

Good, no one cares, bye.

bye, no one

mmmm bhop.

What does “bye, no one” mean? Is it like saying “bye… NOT!”

I think it was some attempt at humour after Maxy said 'no one cares".

He was saying goodbye to no one.

I think he was implying Maxey is no one.
Not that I agree tho <3

Hey, don’t flirt with him, that’s wrong.


Don’t listen to the cheese eating surrendering monkey.

You gotta problem with cheese ?

No but I have a problem with surrendering monkeys.

Yeah, the game also always had ugly ass textures and horrendously low poly models too. Why would you expect them to update all the pretty graphics but leave in bugs and exploits?

You really are durr arn’t you?

Good thing you’ve got Spain between you and France.

Yeah but it’s SPAIN.

because it’s not a bug for gameplay?! it’s a must for professional gameplay. omfg hl is one of the greatest bhop games and you noobs won’t add it to your mp mode… just such a shame…
it’s like remaking quake 3 but giving it operation flashpoint movement. gameplay can only fail.
bm :s sp mode can be as realistic and slow like you want… but HL1DM is fast and takes a lot of skill. it’s not realistic in any way and it’s just the game. it takes some time… but when you know how to accelerate in hl1 it’s just so much fun and just better than the “realistic” way.

lol ur all nubs

It’s impossible to completely replicate the behavior of a certain engine in another engine with 100% accuracy. As much as the dev team could strive to replicate the movement speed and physics of the HL1 engine as close as possible in the Source engine, they could never reach an end result that would satisfy all of the so called pro HLDM players, so might as well not even bother and focus attention on more important thing such as finishing the mod as soon as possible.

I mean, it’s not like the existence of BM invalidates the existence of HL1.

exactly. modern realism fanatics. it just makes me rage. i love half-life and i’m still playing it sometimes…
but the old engine is just too old.
does everything have to be realistic? i mean… HL is a fkn game. it’s purpose is the fun… not making it realistic.
now there will be a remake called black mesa… made by professionals… and it won’t be a faithful mp remake. OMFG

btw Jokerine let’s go 1on1 HL1DM?!

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.