Well lots of that has to do with who textured it. If I did it (all the consoles and vehicles except a few) then they are labeled with the company (me) and vehicles are with a logo. The rest was spread out between several different people and I went back and touched some up but didn’t really change the base layer that the original author made. I should have clarified it when you look at Govt owned stuff its a lot like our game. Vehicles seem to be always logo’d, computers have a tag somewhere that notes their ownership usually on the back, and crates…who the fuck knows…
Wait are people going to ignore this??? Isn’t this basically confirmation that the ST Uncut, or a new version of it anyway, is going to be in some future update?
From what I know completely new Surface Tension map design (can’t get a good word to name it ) will be included in new content update. It was here, on the forum. (don’t know exactly where
Doesn’t mean ST uncut.
Could be stuff for a new MP map.

From what I know completely new Surface Tension map design (can’t get a good word to name it
) will be included in new content update. It was here, on the forum. (don’t know exactly where
Can u find it young padawan?
It will serve us well!
Awwww, the devs really do care!
This will be very useful if I ever finish that SP map I was working on…
The cargo truck looks very cool
An actual non-military truck! I cant wait to see these around.
Was very unhappy with how that last one turned out so I redid the uv and texture and parts of the model. There is no reusing of any textures like from before.
Well right away I can tell that the curved corners above the cab look a lot nicer… Of course if you’d sent this to us with three polygons and a purple checkerboard texture we’d still love it.
Seriously, though, the lack of good cargo transport has bothered me since the Steam version. Trucking finally.
Looks great! Love the little details like the lights along the side of the trailer (top and bottom). Noice!
I have a flatbed variant that I’m working on now. Hope to finish it tomorrow.
that truck looks cool, is the back of it opened or closed? (not that it matters)