i understand. thank you :slight_smile:

Should be noted that it is only in the retail release.

Finished modeling the last console of the bunch.

Model’s looking great! Keep it up!

I’m perfectly okay with that! :slight_smile:
Opens wallet moths fly out
Oh… well… hrm…
Does anyone want to buy some cats?

I had some free time today and since its raining I decided to work on the small console texture. This will be a progression of shots. Third image is the same texture just rendered in 2 different programs.

Awesome! The bottom image is alternate skins, correct?

That is incredibly good looking. :slight_smile:

Love 'em.


Hi there bkdale86. Sorry about sixcentgeorge derailing your thread. I hope that you resume your improvement project threads someday. I really appreciate your work.

Same here. :slight_smile:

when you go in to revise a model, or just do something as simple as giving it a facelift, how/where do you start?

Depends on the model. If it just a retexture then I go by any specific requests. Then I check to see if its our model or valves. If its ours or theirs and I have the model I check the UV, if its bad then I redo it. If it needs details then they are added. If it is just a bad model then its a total redo. Sometimes that is the easiest thing to do.

this may be a stupid question, but you have to do the models all over again for the new engine, or you can use the older models?

I should refer you to my last blog rule…lol. Unless there is a new or different feature between engine versions some or most compiled models will work. Sometimes they have to be recompiled. I.e. you can’t pull a zombie from L4D2 directly to HL2. Everything we have from the mod can be reused if that is what you are asking. Characters have been recompiled multiple times.

exactly. thank you for answering! :slight_smile:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.