I got 3. I feel inadequate.
Lost count after 15.
I think 4 or 5 temps and a perma.
First think I thought after I saw I was temp-banned once again was “Ok, this is starting to get old…”
You should calm down on shitposting from time to time…
Not really shitposting, more like going off-topic in the Got a question thread.
You can try not doing that, you know.
It’s easy to get distracted, you know.
I don’t post much in ask a question until I really have something relate to topic.
Hey Maxey, scroll to the very bottom of the page, and then come back here and guess what all the cool kids are doing these days.
I’m not a cool kid so go assfuck yourself in the dick.
What’s the deal with the hugeass copyright disclaimer anyway?
Not sure about the one on the bottom of the page, I guess Vbulletin didn’t think it was big enough last time. The one in my sig started out at a nice size, but then Searsoft and Accade went and made huge ones, so I followed suit.
I’m not going to be leaving the off topic with this thing though. It’s a bit obnoxious for the normal forums. :retard:
You should know by now that we are not a normal forum so you may post freely wherever you want :bms:
You should know by now that Raminator patrols the other areas of this forum and that rules are atleast semiregularily enforced there.
you could say that we are like porridge. first we’re like small oat flakes - small, dry, fragile, alone. but then we’re cooked with the other oat flakes and become soft. we join so that one flake can’t be told apart from another. we’re almost dissolved. together we become a big porridge that’s warm, tasty, and nutritious. so we are no longer small and isolated but we have become warm, soft, and joined together. part of something bigger than ourselves. sometimes life feels like an enormous porridge, don’t you think?.. sorry, I’m standing around dreaming.
The Ladies club is pretty much the uncivilized wasteland to the developed cities of the other sub-topics.
Damn it, now I am hungry.
So what does that make the Massdebating Hall? Megaton, or Tenpenny Tower?
Tenpenny obv. Everyone is too good for everyone else
What about Don’t argue with the developers? and other highly respected members?